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I was sitting on the red couch in sway, Quinton sitting next to me while Josh was installing his camera for TeaTok.

"Y'all fuckers ready?", questioned Josh while we nodded. He came to sit between Bryce and I while I was laying back eating my ice cream bowl. "You guys have to scream at the beginning", he said as we nodded.

"YO WASS GOOD YOUTUBE!!!", we all screamed but mostly Bryce and Josh. "So, yeah, what is up guys make sure before this video starts you all smash that thumbs up button", Josh said to the camera while the ring light was hitting my eyes.

I was almost sitting on Quinton, which he didn't mind since we became really close friends. I realized that we were more alike then I thought, and we became friends quickly.

"Can you put that on the chair", I whispered while he nodded before taking my bowl but taking a spoonful of my ice cream first. I rolled my eyes hitting his side, chuckling

"I'm Josh", he said while they all started to say there name. "I'm Quinton", "Emma", I said shyly while Bryce chuckled. "Bitch, you speak louder then that", he told me laughing while I flipped him off.

"Moving on, just like Paul Zimmer, aka Troy Becker moved on from social media", Josh said while pulling out his phone.

"Whattttt?", I said with Quinton. "Yo, the wife and the kid was so lowkey", Bryce said while we all looked at each other horrified. "Didn't he get a controversy because of his fake name?", I questioned while Josh nodded.

"On the bright side, that's my wife and kid", Bryce answered laughing which made us chuckle. "Talking of family, Cody and Zoey-...", Josh started before Bryce cut him off. "Didn't they get married?".

"They got married for 24 hours but broke it off", Quinton said while I nodded. "Talking about another married couple", Bryce rectified. "They're actually thinking of creating their own content house", Josh said while we clapped.

"I just want to show you guys the comments because, yeah", Josh said before playing the video. My hand covering my mouth I hid in Quinton's arms. "That's so cringe worthy bro", I said horrified.

"The two comments that you see are his voice and eww what the fuck is this", Josh said making us laugh. "Didn't he just buy a house?", Bryce questioned as my phone rang.

"Shut the fuck up!", screamed Josh while I rolled my eyes. "It's Trista-...", I started before Bryce grabbed my phone. "Call him late-...", he also started while I cut him off. "Don't you even dare throw my phone Bryce!", I said while he bit his lip.

"Pshh, I was so not going to do that", he said while looking at the camera before handing me back my phone.

-hey when are you coming back home?
-in a couple hours
filming a teatok with the boys
can you stop to get McDonald's?
-sure send me a list of what y'all want
-kk thanks Em

I closed my phone while seeing Quinton looking at me. "I want McDonalds", he said pouting while I chuckled. "You took a bite of my ice cream", I told him while sticking my tongue out.

"Talking about people loving people, Bryce you tweeted I miss you, so who is that that you love?", questioned Josh which made me laugh. "Yeah, Bryce who do you love?", I said with a snarky smirk before he flipped me off.

"Guys, if you didn't know that's Bryce's high school ex, Emma", Josh told the camera while I blushed softly. "Bryce used to be a pussy man, sorry", I said while blowing a kiss to Bryce.

"I remember fighting that dick, Michael, because he bumped into you. I'm not a pussy", he said rolling his eyes. "Oh, I forgot to say that he also has anger issues", I chuckled before laughing.

"Bryce, buddy who was that meant for?", questioned Josh while Bryce blushed softly. "Well, I remember when Jaden and Anthony left-...", he started before Jaden, who was sitting behind the camera said: "No see, I tweeted I miss the boys". "Yeah, there's no boys after that", Josh said.

"I meant you guys", Bryce answered while we were bullying him. "See, there's no guys after you", Josh said while zooming into his phone which made me laugh.

The boys kept talking while Quinton and I were play fighting since he took another spoonful of my ice cream. I brought my tube top up, looking at Quinton horrified before we both laughed like maniacs.

"What?", asked Josh while we were laughing till we cried. "I-...I almost flashed all of you", I said crying, holding my top while Quinton wrapped his arms around me. "No one look at my boo", he said laughing.

"That's my boo", Bryce said frowning his eyebrows. "I guess it's only fair to ask, Emma, do you ship Braddison?", Josh asked while I chuckled.

"Ship so hard bro! Addison is like the most beautiful person I know", I said while making a heart with my hands. "She's my wife, so Bryce back the fuck off", I laughed while he rolled his eyes.

"Y'all making it seem like I'm obsessed with her", Bryce told us, annoyed. "Aren't you tho?", questioned Quinton while we ohhhhh'd loudly. "What about you!?! Are you and Cynthia dating?!!", screamed Bryce while the teenager stood up and left.

"Go date Cynthia bitch", he screamed while Josh and I were dying. After awhile of laughing, Josh ended his video while we were still chuckling on the red couch.

"Shit, I have to go", I said looking at the time while grabbing my purse and standing up. I said bye to the boys before getting inside my car and calling Tristan.

"Yo, we're hungryyyyy!!", the 17 year old said while I rolled my eyes. "I'm gonna go to McDonalds, what do y'all want?", I questioned while seeing Chris filling my phone screen.

"Hi Emmaaaaaaa", he said in a childish voice which made me laugh. "Hi Chris, you've been good today?", I questioned as he nodded. "I want a Quarter Pounder with Cheese, please", Chris said with a cute little smile.

"Of course baby, what do you want Tris?", I asked while Tristan took back the phone. "I can send you a list-...", he started before I cut him off.

"I'm already there", I said chuckling. "Okay, Fine, I want 2 cheeseburgers. Tyler want a Quarter Pounder BLT. Bryan and Dayne want a Bigmac, and lastly Darius wants a McChicken", he said while I nodded before ordering.

I took them in trios, and got some liquor with that while the girl at the cash register recognized Tristan. "Oh my god-...is that Tristanbvibin?", she asked freaking out.

"Wassup baby, how are you?", Tristan said while the girl smiled before taking out her phone. I took some deep breaths before she finally gave me my order.

I had taken a 2 cheeseburgers, 10 chicken nuggets and an ice tea because I was hungry. I also brought cookies because why not? As I got home, I saw Chris running outside to help me.

"I missed you", he said kissing my cheek while I chuckled softly. Chris was like a brother to me and I really cared about him. Which was weird since I've only met him 1 week ago.

Anyways, we walked inside the house with all the food while the boys started getting ready for their live. I saw Bryan sitting on a blue velvety couch and decided to give him his food.

"Hey guys, how are yo-..", he started before looking at me. "Sorry, I'm just bringing you what you wanted", I said apologizing while he took it from my hands before ignoring me.

"A thanks would be appreciated", I told him angrily before rolling my eyes and leaving.

"I hate you"- b.williams Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora