(3) Nightmares and Daydreams

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[Y/N] was woken up by the sound of a chirping bird. It's high pitched sound being louder because of his powers. He stood up groaning, sitting up on his bed. He let his hand wander to the side only to find nothing, the other of the bed being empty again. He combed his other hand to his hair and decides to get up, no use in staying in bed.

After his morning routine he thinks of cooking pancakes for breakfast and he thought, maybe picking up some oranges as well. Charles and Hank would appreciate fresh orange juice.

He heads out with a basket finding the sun has barely even risen, it's still too early. Hank could still be in his labs, and Charles may be passed out in his room. He walks a bit further through the trees in their garden finding fresh orange hanging from the tree. He smiles then floats up to pick up a few oranges that seemed to be ready to pick. After his orange picking he heads in and started his cooking. He has been the one taking care of the other two, making sure they eat atleast thrice a day. He cooks, cleans and basically runs the house now.

Alex is already in his first month of serving as a soldier, he writes to [Y/N] if he can, telling that he already made a few handful of mutant friends. He tells him about Toad, who could extend his tongue in a manner like a frog and he could stick to the walls, another about a guy who has quills for a hair and could induce sleep to others, and a guy with strange tattoos that could make anyone sick if he wants to. Every one of them amazes [Y/N] he wishes he could meet them someday.

After cooking up his perfect breakfast, he focuses on presentation, so it will look very appitizing to the both so they'd atleast eat. He neatly stacked the still hot pancakes and squeezed the oranges to a juice. He neatly fixes the table and now it is ready for breakfast. He smiles at his work and huffed.

"Alright, perfect breakfast here we go." He muttured to himself. The three of them hadn't had a perfect breakfast in a long while, actually they'd never had a perfect breakfast even when Alex was still here. But he keeps his hopes up and started to march towards the lower levels to pick up Hank.

Once he's at his door he knocked gently and let the doors slide open so he could get in. "Hey Hank." He greets but the other man just continued on some work that he is currently in the middle of, apparently some sort of power generator that could supply the mansion enough electricity for about the next 50 years.

"Hank?" He said a bit louder with Hank snapping at his direction. "Oh, hey [Y/N]. Is there a problem?" He warily asked, he is notably very tired and is lacking of sleep. "No, I actually made pancakes, you can come upstairs to join me for breakfast. I'll also try getting Charles." Hank thought for a moment. "Uh, yeah sure. You're pancakes are always stellar." He chuckled. [Y/N] laughed lightly. "I will be upstairs in a moment."

"Okay. I'll fetch Charles." He said as he started going upstairs again. Now, here comes the hard part. He walked up to Charles room and gave it a gentle knock. When he heared movements inside he opened it as fast as he could without startling Charles. "Charles?" He asked to the man sitting up to his bed and facing the window. A few bottles here and there, a case full of Hank's serum in syringes, a picture of Raven in his nightstand, and he sees a picture of Erik being clutched by him. He slowly walks to sit down next to him.

"Charles, I made breakfast." [Y/N] gently offered. Charles looked at him with sadness in his eyes, he was sober at the moment making him feel real emotions. Charles inhaled, "I would like that." He quietly says, making [Y/N] smile.

And in a moment all three of them are eating breakfast, after a long time of them being so shut off by their own problems they chose to eat together again. None bothered to start a conversation and the air just felt awkward. "So... any plans today?" [Y/N] asked to headstart the talking going. The two of them think. "I- uh gotta keep working on the generator, within about a month of two I should be finished then I'll update the newest model of the jet I designed." Hank said before taking a sip of his orange juice. "Sounds great." [Y/N] smiled then turned to Charles. "How bout you Charles? Any plans?" He nicely asked. Charles breathed out, "Nothing comes to my mind for now." He mutters while biting on a pancake, "Oh! Actually [Y/N], if you would be so kind enough to buy more booze that would be appreciated, I uh ran out last night. Thank you." Charles said as if he is a kid asking if his parents can buy him candy.

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