Soft Sounds

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10 Years Later

[Y/N] and Charles are in a library room practicing [Y/N]'s abilities. Soon after Charles took him and Raven in, he showed strong signs of having powerful and destructive powers. Although [Y/N]  tried to repress it, Charles encourage him to use and embrace it fully, and in that way the power won't be using him but he will take full control of it. [Y/N] agreed to Charles since he later find out that he is a telepath, and he can calm him down whenever he burst too much energy.

[Y/N] is sitting on an old gray couch waiting for Charles as he was trying to look for something in an old wooden chest in the room. "Charles, what are you even doing? We know that my power basically is destructive enough to break a whole room." Charles laughed at him, "Oh? I actually thought you are more capable than breaking a room."

"Gee, that helped." He sarcastically shot at the boy still buried into the chest. "Sorry, I actually did not meant that to be offensive, what I meant was actually the contrary." He faced the worried [Y/N] still sitting on the couch staring at him.

"What I actually meant is that, you are more capable than breaking anything, your powers are just destructive because you let it control you." [Y/N] let out a sigh, he is hearing the same speech over again from his dear brother. "Easy for you to say you don't blow things up." Charles stayed quiet for a moment.

"Yes, but my power could be destructive too you know." [Y/N] raised an eyebrow to Charles. "I can command anyone to hurt someone and even wipe someone's head clean of memory, or one time when I got a bloody bad headache I accidentally renderred one of our maids to freeze and she almost suffocated." He was now standing up and slowly walking to the boy that's sitting.

"I believe that all mutants have different powers, but all can be destructive [Y/N]. All can lose control. But it won't be destructive if we learn how to control it." He reached his hand out to [Y/N] holding a metal fork with two points to him.

"A tuning fork?" He asked Charles which in turned earned a smile from him. "Yes, try using this as a source of sound." He stood up and looked at the metal stick thing. "I have reason to believe that natural sounds around us are a lot powerful for you to take in, so why not let's start with the smallest of sounds." The telepath smiled wider to [Y/N].

"Ok try this." He held [Y/N]'s shoulder and faced him towards the library's desk. "Ring the tuning fork and focus on it's ressonance, then use it to move that pen and try to shoot it in the pen holder." He faced Charles then nodded. He lightly tapped the fork to the edge of a cabinet near him and faced near his face. He heared the soft ringing of the metal fork and focused on it's sound, suddenly all other sounds were blocked out and he can only hear the soft ringing of the device he is holding.

He took a deep breath as he felt the sound slowly fuel him then the ringing stopped, he put the tuning fork down then turned his focus to the black inking pen that layed on the desk. Suddenly the pen floated in the air and he thought of moving it slowly towards the pen holder to shoot it there. It took a few seconds before he slowly hovered the black pen and dropped it with the other pens on the holder.

He exhaled happily then faced Charles. "You did it." He praised his brother, he smiled widely and let out a small laugh. "I did, and I didn't blew up anything this time!" Charles was going for a high five but [Y/N] gave him a hug instead. "Thanks big bro." Charles hugged back and embraced his younger brother. "I always knew you had it in you." They broke the contact and before both of them can say anything Raven came through the door.

"Sorry to ruin your little pow-wow but I'm hungry so... are we gonna eat or what." Both of the boys shared a small laugh and they both head to Raven.

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