Sebastian Shaw

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[Y/N] loathed in shame as Charles left him and Raven still being cold and angry on the stunt they pulled the other night. He probably deserved it, he should've known better. He should've been more mature like his brother, and not let himself lose control and party in the face of danger. They should be part of the extraction mission that Charles, Erik and Moira is doing right now but they were all benched, due to the troubles they caused.

That's not all of it, unfortunately. Some CIA agents working in the building seemed to caught on the news too, with all the ruckus they caused the word of 'incompetent' and 'dangerous' mutants just spreaded like wildfire just mere hours. That event too did not help their image be better. The CIA just saw them as 'not ready' recruits.

[Y/N] sighed into the window of a hallway, it had a nice view and it's a good brooding spot. He did brood and wallow in self hate when he get in trouble and either Charles or Raven gets mad at him.

"Hey." Alex's deep voice cut through [Y/N] thoughts, snapping his head towards the blonde male.

"Oh.. hey." He smiled weakly.

"Raven told me you's be here, she said you are uh... 'brooding'." [Y/N]  chuckled at the last word, ofcourse Raven would know. Alex walked closer to him, hands on both of the pocket of his jeans.

"I did a lot of brooding whenever my siblings get angry at each other or at me." He explained, gaining an understanding nod from the boy.

"Uh, me too would do the same. I would isolate myself when I'm angry, run off or hide somewhere. I'm afraid of hurting people with my emotions and my outbursts." Alex explained every word slowly and flowing. [Y/N] gave him a soft look, Understanding his words.

"Is that the reason.." [Y/N] couldn't bare to continue.

"Yeah. It's the reason I locked myself in the first place, away from my family, away from my brother." The blonde said looking down. [Y/N] is surprised about the brother part, but he thought not to ask about it right now.

"Well, I sure am sorry for ruining our image to the CIA. Now they they think we're incompetent and immature." Alex walked up closer to him.

"It's not your fault, we were carried away." Alex tried to comfort him. "Yeah, I did get carried away, it's just fun being with people like you. Others thinking your a freak, but being with your people is comforting." He sighed.

"Well, enough partying. It's time to grow up." [Y/N] coldy, remembering his own big brother.


After a few hours, they were called to gather up and try to 'not get in trouble'. They are stationed in the same kind of room they destroyed because of partying. Although, it's not the same room it had the same interior. The room that they destroyed were under rennovations.

"Do you think Charles is still mad at us?" [Y/N] asked quietly to Raven.

"He's Charles. He can't stay mad at us, he just needs time." She said to her brother in a matter-of-factly tone. [Y/N] is not used to Charles being mad at him, especially being disappointed by him.

Although the other mutants try to brush it off. Alex and Darwin got into a heated friendly competition going over the Table football game. With Alex mostly winning.

"I didn't know the circus was in town." An agent said through the large glass window, jokingly and offensively.

"Hey, come on honey, give us a little..." The other man besides him gestures to Angel and made his hands flap like wings, mocking Angel. She just avoided their gaze and Raven comforted her.

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