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"Charles! Come on, let me do this."

"We talked about this [Y/N]. You and I both know you're not ready to absorb any foreign sounds, besides the one you're familiar with."

"But they are still sounds. Sean's screams wouldn't be different than the tuning fork's sounds. I'll still be able to absorb them."

The two of had been arguing for the last three minutes. With [Y/N] trying to convince Charles to let him absorb other kinds of sounds, like Sean's sonic screams but Charles just freaked out from the suggestion.

"The last time you absorbed something foreign you made a man flew up to a wall." Charles shot at his younger brother who rolled his eyes as a reply.

"It's because he is harassing Raven, he deserved it." He grumbled the last part.

Charles sighed, "Look, I am just worried about you-"

"Getting out of control? Hurting someone?" [Y/N] cut off a bit aggrivated.

"I was gonna say, you being too overwhelmed. You have a very unique power, [Y/N]. And to have it you must have utter control over you, phyisically, emotionally and mentally." [Y/N] huffed out air, he's so not going to change his brother's mind.

"But how will I have control when I don't even know what I am supposed to be controlling." He shot back.


"[Y/N]'s right. " Erik's steely voice cut through their argumentation.

"Excuse me? you're siding him?" Charles asked surprised.

"Yeah, you're siding me?" The younger male asked as well, surprise also.

"If you don't let the kid discover the boundaries of his abilities it will be hidden to him, and in time will be let out very powerfully and uncontrollably, the damage being more destructive." Erik explained thoroughly making Charles think hard.

"Yeah, you're the one who always say that I have to control this power. And I have to know my limits and what I can do to fully understand and control them. Please, Charles." He looks at his brother with his please eyes, that always works and they both know it. After about 10 seconds of staring Charles breathed out looking down.

He lifted his head up. "I suppose you both have a point." [Y/N] looked at his big brother wide eyed.

"But. We'll do this in an open field."

"Yeah, sure. Works for me." [Y/N] said quickly.

"Let's get going then." Charles huffed then walked out of the room, passing Erik who is still leaning on the doorway.

"Thanks Erik." [Y/N] walking up to the older man.

"No need to thank me, it's just right to let you discover your powers." Erik replied.

"Come on you two!" Charles called out to them, shouting.


"Okay. This is how it works, Sean produces screams in a sonic level where your ears wouldn't get hurt but is powerful enough for you to absorb. Try to transform the sound to an energy beam and try hitting that target." Hank pointed to a target across them, far away so no one will get hurt when he blasts it. "But mind the energy's intensity, make it too powerful, we might get blown up. Make it too weak and the target will only set on fire. I'll be scanning the energy level of your blast to see if you could control how strong enough your beams are. Got it?"

[Y/N] froze for a moment, trying to comprehend what Hank is saying.

"Just, focus on what you want to do and then do it. Alright?" Charles asked on the other side of him.

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