Living Magnet

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The next day Charles, Raven and [Y/N] were invited for a special meeting arranged for them by Moira MacTaggert. Turns out  she was a CIA agent and is trying to find a lead on mutants that are bent on doing something bad, like starting a nuclear war between the soviets and americans.

Charles is currently presenting the mutation process and results, mostly was based off of his versions in the book her wrote about genetic mutations. Raven and [Y/N] sat together in silence while the whole board seemed to look uninterested and seemed to not believe what Charles is saying.

"The advent of the nuclear age may have accelerated the mutation process. Individuals with extraordinary abilities may be among us. Thank you." Charles finished and he sat down, everyone took a breather and tried to digest the information seriously.

The senator exhaled seemed to be frustrated, "MacTaggert, you really think that some crackpot scientist is gonna make me believe in sparkly dames and vanishing men? You just brought yourself a one-way ticket back to the typing pool. This meeting is over." He sternly said, [Y/N] just thought that he was too ignorant and too naive to even believe what Charles said.

Moira gets up and seems to accept her fate of demotion. But before anything happen Charles cuts in.

"Uh, please sit down, Agent MacTaggert. I didn't really expect you to believe me, given that all you could think about during my presentation was what sort of pie they were serving in the commissary. It's apple pecan." The senator looked quite shocked, but Charles turned her attention to Moira.

"I haven't been entirely honest with you, love, Im sorry. You see, one of the many spectacular things my mutation allows me to do is that I can read your mind." The senator and the agent beside him seemed to laugh and find this amusing.

"I've seen this before in a magic show. Are you gonna ask us to think of a number between one and ten now?" He joked making [Y/N] quite annoyed.

Charles chuckled, "No, Agent Stryker. Although, I could ask you about your son, William, who you were thinking about, which is very nice. But I think I'd rather ask you about the Jupiter missiles America are currently placing in Turkey." Everyone turned to him with a shocked expression and stayed quiet for a moment

"He's a goddamn spy. You brought a goddamned spy into this facility!" The senator yelled at Moira.

"I did not." Moira calmly defends herself, as everyone clatters around not knowing what to do. [Y/N] focused on their bantering and absorbed the sound. He then looked at Raven and gave her a small nod.

[Y/N] stood up and pushed the senator on his chair using his powers before he gets up. Raven got up and quickly changed form to the senator, everyone stayed quiet for a moment.

"How's that for a magic trick?" Charles smugly asked.

"Best one I've ever seen." The man in black at the back said clearly impressed by the show of power.

The senator gained composture, "I want them out of here, and locked down until I can figure out what to do." He quickly said.

"My facility is off-cite, I can take them." The man in black offers.

The meeting soonly adjourned.


Later Charles leads them all to a packing area with the Man in black, Raven, and [Y/N].

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