18 Wounds

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Coddiwomple Trivia #9: Delphia has received several public proposals, but ended up turning them down rather harshly without realizing by revealing her suitors' intentions.

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"It seems he lost his mind in the face of our numbers."

"Whatever. He's about to die anyway."

Asta's eyes sharpened as the blasts of magic were shot towards them. Swinging his sword, he used the momentum to increase his speed as he cancelled out the spells.

"There's no use in fighting," Scar-face proclaimed.

"You need to learn when to give up," Rades cackled.

"Ah, so that's him," the woman in glasses breathed as she watched Asta's negating abilities in action.

"So this is the anti-magic brat our master spoke of."

Asta finally got a moment to catch his breath as the attacks stopped. His mind flashed to Fuegoleon's words.

"Your exuberance may be your greatest weapon, but keep a cool head, too. If you truly wish to become the Wizard King, that is."

"Keep a cool head... Right, sir?" Asta smirked, "I'll stay calm... while I kick their butts!"

"This little-"

Flame Magic: Exploding Flames

Fire Creation Magic: Leo Rugiens

The mages dodged the fireballs and blasts of flames, clicking their tongues in frustration as many were forced to cancel them out with their own mana bullets. While the younger Vermillion's spell was more manageable to dodge with his lack of directional control, it was the elder sibling they had to look out for. He had not only the accuracy to attack them all at once, but the intensity of his flames would be enough to turn them to ash!

"You think I'm going to let you people throw your weight around after what you did to Delphia-san?!" Leopold's hands were encased in flames as he swiped at their opponents, "Let me join you, my rival!"

"Sure! Go right ahead!"

Fuegoleon nodded his head, approvingly, "I couldn't have said it better myself, Leo!"

The duo worked in tandem as they struck at the mages in a full-frontal assault with the Captain supporting them from behind.

They say beasts are more formidable when they're wounded. These three... are dangerous!

"What the hell are you doing?!" Rades scowled, "Hurry up and kill them!"


The group turned to the newest guest, her eyes widening as she realized the situation at hand.

"Mimosa!" Noelle gasped.

"Another one?!"

Valtos's eyes narrowed at the arrival of another Magic Knight. Impossible... they should have all been distracted by the other mages! Summoning a portal to appear behind the girl, he gathered mana in his hand for an attack.

At the same time, the five mages stood equidistant from each other once more, surrounding the Magic Knights, "They aren't our targets... But we'll kill them now!"

"Mimosa, behind you!" Asta warned.

The Vermillion girl turned on her heel, eyes wide as she saw the attack, but before it could hit, it was blocked by a sphere of water, while another formed around Asta, Leopold and Fuegoleon, defending them from the five's magic.

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