04 Day of Royals

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Coddiwomple Trivia #2: Delphia's name is a greek feminization to the name of the home to the famous oracle of Apollo (Delphi), a nod towards her role to the Clover Kingdom.

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"Yeah, no."

Delphia deadpanned at the man in front of her as he crashed onto his desk. Tears ran down his cheeks.



She frowned, turning her head away when she saw his eyes beginning to widen.

"Stop it, Lord Julius."

"Please, Delphia?"

Delphia knew she doomed herself the second she took a glance at the blond. His eyes were wide, sparkling much like a baby doe. She huffed, rolling her eyes and summoned her cards, ignoring the squeals of her superior.

After satisfying Julius' magic fanboy wishes with a reading, she yawned, tilting her head in question.

"Why was I summoned?"

"Always so straight to the point, Delphia." Julius chuckled before he sobered. Delphia's back straightened at the change.

"There's been some skirmishes along the border near Velas. We aren't certain if they are robbers or mages from the Diamond Kingdom, but we can't take this situation lightly."

Delphia hummed, nodding. "Velas is one of our main defences besides Kiten against the Diamond Kingdom. If it were seized...."

Delphia trailed off, the air sombre at the thought.

"What would you see me do, Lord Julius?"

The vice-captain was curious. The number of field missions she had been assigned was slowly decreasing over the years. Though versatile, her magic was coveted, and as such, she was needed more within the capital than anywhere else. 

"Your mission is to go to Velas. Confirm the identities of these attackers and, if possible, subdue and capture." Julius ordered, stamping his seal onto the mission form in front of him.

"It will be done, Lord Julius." Delphia saluted.

She blinked as a knock sounded behind her. Her brows furrowed in confusion at the mischief on her king's face.

"Ah, yes, I forgot to mention that you will be teaming with two other magic knights," Delphia felt dread at the man's closed eye smile, "Please, come in."

The violet haired woman deadpanned when she caught sight of vermillion and silver locks.

"You have got to be kidding me..."

Purple eyes glared once they met cyan.

"Lord Julius, I'm sure Fuegoleon and I are more than enough for this mission." Nozel insisted once he understood the reason for Delphia's presence.

"Now now, Nozel. Delphia's abilities are sure to be an asset to this mission. Plus, the relationship between your families has been waning with your current animosity. We cannot allow the tradition between the Silva and Rotta to be sullied because you can't get along, now can we?"

Nozel frowned at the reminder of their family relations and reluctantly agreed.

"I will be leading this excursion." Nozel proclaimed, staring down at Delphia.

The vice-captain's expression was blank.

"I vote Leone to be our mission leader."

The Silva's eyes twitched as his rival stepped up and agreed with their youngest member.

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