09 Castle Town

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Black Clover Trivia #5: Noelle is the worst chef in the series.

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Finral gaped in shock at the sight before him. He had barged in to ask Magna if he'd like to go on a double date with him since his date's sister was into the delinquent type from what he gathered. What he didn't expect was to find him sleeping with their Vice Captain!

Vanessa groaned as she stumbled in behind Finral, head aching from her hangover. Slumping over the spacial mage, she rubbed her eyes.

"What's all the noise about?" She groaned.

Blinking blearily, her eyes widened when she realized who was on the bed.

"Oh? Looks like I can't call Magna a virgin delinquent anymore."

Finral sputtered, stomping over the bed, yanking at the blankets angrily.

"Damn you, Magna! GET UP!" He yelled, seething with jealousy.

The two mages froze in their spots as cyan eyes peaked from the blankets, cold as ice as they glared at the two intruders. Finral and Vanessa were sweating buckets under the narrowed eyes of the clairvoyant.

T-this is bad! I completely forgot about Phia!

Stupid Finral! We're dead now!


"Ah! Yes!"

"Sorry, Phia!"

The two squeaked, nodding as they stumbled outside. Delphia watched as they tripped over themselves to leave, sighing as she slumped back into the bed. Hearing a groan and shuffling she hummed in greeting as bleary eyes blinked up at her.

"Did someone come in?" Magna murmured.

"Go back to sleep. It's still early." She coaxed, running her fingers through his bed hair, pulling him back to rest against her. The fire mage was still much too sleepy to argue and complied, returning to the land of dreams. Delphia's eyes softened before they closed as she followed after.

* * * * *

"Ne ne~ Phia, tell me, did you have a good time last night?"

The violet haired woman blinked at the older woman as she focused on their flight path.

"It was actually pretty rough," Delphia answered nonchalantly, mind flashing to the rather emotional roller coaster Magna had gone through last night.

Noelle squeaked from behind her, staring incredulously at her idol as she clutched her waist as the two older members carried Asta and her on their brooms to their destination.

"Y-Y-YOU-" Noelle flushed as her mind conjured images much too explicit.

"My Phia~ How bold~" Vanessa cooed.

Delphia and Asta stared in confusion at the teasing witch and blushing royal. The two made eye contact before shrugging.

"You two haven't gone to Castle Town, have you?" Delphia asked, already guessing the answer.

"I haven't," Noelle confirmed.

"I guess royals and nobles wouldn't really have reason to go very often. How about you, little boy?" Vanessa wondered.

"I just passed through when I went to take the Magic Entrance Exam." Asta answered.

"Then, let's have a lot of fun today."

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