12 Nostalgia

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Coddiwomple Trivia #6 : Delphia once saved Leopold from being thrown off a cliff by Mereoleona. 

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They were children when they first met. It had hardly been a year since William was taken in by his biological father to take his place as his heir. However, life in the noble realm wasn't all it was made up to be with his illegitimate status and cursed state. With a heavy sigh, William once again made his escape to spend the day outside in hopes to avoid the whispers and stares of the house servants along with his stepmother.

Moving into the woodlands by the estate, he followed his usual path to his personal clearing by a stream. Stepping into the clearing, he froze in his tracks, blinking when he caught sight of a flash of violet that was out of place in the greenery. Maneuvering himself closer, he tilted his head curiously at the child sleeping beneath the shade of one of the large trees.

She was probably only a few years younger than himself. She wore a simple white summer dress and golden sandals, her hair splayed around her in loose curls. She slept soundly on her back, unbothered by the speckles of light filtering through the leaves onto her.

Decisive, William left the girl alone, moving to work on his magic while remaining close by but far enough from the girl to avoid awakening her. It wouldn't do to leave such a child alone and defenceless.

It wasn't until a few hours into his training that he was started by the same girl he was guarding.

"Your magic..."

William flinched, snapping his head towards the soft voice. His wide eyes met with sleepy cyan before he grimaced, remembering the scar on his face. He held his breath, waiting for the cries of terror.

"... it's beautiful."

William blinked, taking a few moments to register what the girl just said.


Though her expression remained unchanged, her eyes held a spark of amusement at his confusion.

"Your magic," She nodded towards the tree sprouting from the opposite side of the riverbed, "It's beautiful."

"A-ah, thank you?"

The two stood in rather awkward silence. At least uncomfortable on his side. The violet haired girl didn't seem all that bothered in his opinion.

"You're not afraid?"

The girl hummed at the question, tilting her head.

"Of what?"

"My face," William murmured hesitantly, "Most children tend to cry when they see it. Calling me a monster."

His last words were but a murmur, but with his head bowed he didn't see the flash of annoyance on the girl's face before she sighed loudly.

"It's just a face," She deadpanned, "Are you a murderer?"

William's eyes widened, "N-no! Of course not!"

"A criminal of some sort?"


"A demon?"

"No! Why are you asking that?" William huffed, feeling slightly insulted.

The girl shrugged, "Then why should I be scared of you?"

William didn't know how to respond to that. This child was but a few years younger than him. They hardly know each other, yet here she was, saying things that went against everything he's been told.

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