Chapter 31

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I leave Cameron and run back to the dining hall to see Alex with his head in his hands, he sees me and rushes over to give me a huge hug, we stand there for a couple of minutes with my head buried in his chest and his arms tight around me
"I'm going to have to leave soon" He whispers and I pull back and grin
"I'm coming with you" I say softly and he looks at me in disbelief
"Really? Wolf I don't think that's the best idea" He says and he looks at the floor, I take a step back from him and look at him confused
"What? Why?" I ask and my voice wavers
"Because... I don't know Wolf, just promise you won't come okay?" He says softly and I look at him shocked
"What are you talking about? You just told me to come home, what is wrong with you Alex?" I say angrily and turn away
"Wolf... Please, you don't understand" He says but I cut him off
"No Alex, just leave" I spit and angrily walk back to my room

I spend the rest of the afternoon on my balcony until I head into the bathroom and take a long shower, the water here is so nice and warm and there are lovely smelling oils that are so soft and calming that I simply lose track of time, after hours I get out and wrap a towel around myself before walking out of the bathroom, I walk over to my dresser and scan it, looking for something suitable to wear. Why do they have to put so many different colours of pants and bras in? I change into my underwear and walk back into the bathroom to grab a towel and I walk out drying my hair when I see Cameron lying on my bed looking amused
"Dude? The fuck are you doing here?" I say angrily and he laughs
"Nice clothes" He smirks and his eyes travel down my body
"Fuck you" I mutter and blush before chucking my towel at him and grabbing the clothes I was wearing before, I pull them on and he laughs
"Did you forget I was coming?" He asks genuinely interested and I look at him confused
"You didn't tell me you were coming" I say and he laughs
"You didn't read the note did you" He says and shakes his head while laughing softly,
"Nope... You think I would remember to read a piece of paper? I lose everything" I say truthfully and he jumps up from my bed and walks over to me
"I can see that" He says softly and I cough and look away
"Wolf, I need to tell you something" He says quietly and I nod my head, I walk out onto the balcony and he follows me
"This afternoon, I eliminated 5 other girls, after today I realised that your the person I want to spend my life with, the person I want to wake up to every morning, I don't understand why I feel this way but whenever I'm near you, it's like I'm electrified, you make me feel like me and I love it" He says quietly and stares deep into my eyes
"Cameron... Stop, you can't, you hardly know me and I'm going home, I'm sorry but we are practically strangers, this is mental, this competition is mental, I'm so sorry" I whisper softly and look out at the night sky
"Wolf, listen to me... You're one of the most amazing people I have ever met, and when you came into my life it changed for the better and I want it to stay that way" He pleads and takes my hands carefully in his
"Cameron, I care about you, I really do except we just can't... Please" I beg but he stays persistent
"No Wolf, I won't let you give up this easily, please, your in the elite, only Lo-" He is interrupted when a guard comes rushing into my room
"Rebels your majesty, Southern at that, they are nearly at the palace, please hurry" He says sounding scared and a look of panic and tiredness appears in Camerons eyes
"See you later, go straight to the safe room, I will meet you there" He says and squeezes my hand before dropping them. He rushes out the room and my heart starts to beat fast and I find it hard to breathe. I am in the Elite with Lola, it has to be her. Hunter must be with the rebels, he said he was coming for me... God knows what that means.

I run out the room and am just about to enter the safe room when someone barrels into me from the side, the breath is forced out of me and I groan, I look up into a pair of toxic green eyes and a burst of anger flares up inside of me
"Get off me Finn, do you want me to be killed?" I spit and shove him off me, I leap up but he is too fast and he blocks my way
"Wolf please, just listen to me" He pleads but I push him away
"Now is not a good time Finn, if you hadn't noticed" I say angrily and he looks suprised, I can see guards start to rush down the hallway, all of a sudden there is a loud crash and rubble is thrown across the hallway a few metres from us, I look around for an escape route but Finn is standing in my way, blocking me from safety
"No... Look Wolf, I like you, I think your the most brave, clever and beautiful person I have ever met" He shouts over the noise and my head begins to spin. This is too much information to take in at one time, people are fighting all around us and gunshots are constantly being fired
"Finn? Why are you telling me this now? Seriously?" I shout angrily, trying to make myself be heard and he looks disappointed
"I know your here for Cameron and everything, except I thought we had something... Something worth it" He shouts and his voice is full of emotion, I am lost for words and I just shake my head. What gave him that idea? Since when do we have 'something'? It makes no sense to me, my thoughts are interrupted when he leans down and kisses me, I'm suprised at first but the kiss seems so much different than any with Cameron. It's filled with danger and passion, I feel my heart skip a beat and his hands run over my waist, I put my hands on his chest to push him away but that is not needed
"Wolf?!" Cameron shouts and I can see the look of pain which runs deep in his eyes, his eyes flicker to Finn and a look of hate replaces the pain
"Arrest him" He shouts to the cluster of guards behind him, they move to arrest Finn and I stand there in shock, they lock the handcuffs around his wrist causing his sleeve to move up a bit, exposing the tattoo of the southern rebels
"Your majesty... He's a rebel" The guard tells Cameron and his gaze hardens on me, Finn gives me a desperate look but I look away, he has caused me so much pain. They drag Finn away but he continues to shout my name even though I am not listening to him, Cameron turns to me with a cold stare
"So he's why you won't stay with me, your in love with a rebel? Is that it?" He says and the hurt in his voice is unmistakeable
"Cameron, no it's not like that, he was my guard when I was captured, they tortured me and he would make sure that my cuts weren't infec-" I start but he cuts me off
"I don't want to hear your excuses Wolf, just get in the safe room" He says through gritted teeth and he shoves me towards the door, we enter and Lola is in there crying her eyes out. Cameron sits next to her and tries to comfort her and immediately she is kissing him, her hands run all over his body and I shudder at the thought of her
"My god Cameron baby... I was so scared" She whimpers and he rubs her back
"Don't worry, your okay now, I scared them all off" He jokes and she bursts out in a shrieking, high pitched laugh that can probably heard up in space, I wince at the sound and she continues to stroke Camerons chest
"Cameron baby, your SO funny" She giggles and I roll my eyes. I tuck my knees up to my chest and sit in the corner, facing the wall and I lean my head against the cold concrete. I'm going home tomorrow, I might aswell face it. If I could take back that kiss I would, I really like Cameron, he said he really likes me... I just messed that up. Silent tears drip down my cheeks and I don't bother to brush them away, they aren't likely to stop anytime soon...

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