Chapter 7

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The next day I wake up late and the sun is already high in the sky. I have a small send-off by my province to attend and by the looks of it... Im going to be late. After everyone was ready we walked to the square ignoring all of the photographers and people asking for signatures and pictures... I don't even know why, Im not famous. We get to the square and Arthur approaches us not looking pleased
"What did I say about dressing nice... A little makeup maybe? Did you even sleep last night?" He says sharply and he starts nagging me about how important It is to make a good first impression... To be honest I don't really care. Around half an hour later the square is packed with people and don't know why?! The only other Selected here is Catherine Frost... She was the interesting one I thought, She has long, straight, brown hair and chocolate eyes, and I wouldn't be suprised if she won or at least got to the Elite. She says her goodbyes very briefly the heads to the plane and then the Mayor walks over to me
"Let's have a big cheer for our other Selected, Wolf Dallas!" He says enthusiastically and a loud cheer erupts from the audience. I'm not sure why and I just stand there until the Mayor whispers something into my ear about smiling. I do and the cheers seem to grow as I give them a small smile and a wave, I'm 100% sure I look like an idiot. After a couple of minutes the Mayor says his goodbyes and waves over my family. Felix, Max and Luca run over nearly barreling me over and they hug me tightly. I can tell Max is crying so I bend down and wipe the tears from his eyes.
"Max... Your going to be okay. You have Alex, Luca and Dad to look after you, your going to have so much fun" I say trying to convince him aswell as myself that it's going to be okay. He nods slightly and I can tell he wants to say more but is too afraid and I don't press him. Next is Felix and he isn't crying but his facial expression shows he isn't happy. He hugs me tightly and I kiss him on the top of his head and I squeeze him back
"Don't get into too much trouble okay?" I grin at him and a small smile finds its way onto his face
"If you say so" He says quietly and smiles before pulling away and I move to Luca who hugs me tightly and buries his face in my neck. I rub his back softly trying to comfort him
"I love you Luca... Please make sure that Alex eats" I whisper into his ear and he nods in understanding
"I will, he is going to miss you so much. I love you" He says quietly and looks at the floor. I feel a lump form in my throat and smile before hugging him again. I move over to Alex and hug him tightly
"Don't do this infront of them. They can't deal with much more, okay?" I whisper quietly from his chest. He wraps his arms around me and holds me closer. I breathe in deeply, smelling the fire and forest scent that has comforted me for so many years. I don't know how many weeks it's going to be until I can smell it again an I pull away reluctantly
"Okay... I love you, please don't stay for long. Come back, don't leave me" He says softly and his eyes cloud over and the pain on his face is unmistakeable.
"I have to... I'm sorry" I say quietly and squeeze his hand tightly before dropping it and moving to Dad who watches me with a small smile on his face and he embraces me tightly when I reach him
"Please look after them" I whisper and I cannot hold back the tears any longer. They slide down my face slowly and he brushes them away with his thumb
"I promise... Look after yourself too though, don't get into too much trouble" He winks at me which brings a small smile to my face
"I love you Dad" I whisper
"I love you too Mush" He smiles softly and I laugh quietly when he uses his old nickname for me. He hasn't called me that since Mom died, I don't bring it up as it will only upset him and I give him a small smile as I am pulled away towards the plane. I see Alex watching me but it is too painful and I turn away after one last glance at him and I walk into the plane. It's clean and bright and Catherine sits in one of the front seats so I head to the back. She grins at me happily and I return it with a small smile before sitting down and closing my eyes. That is the last time I am going to see them for weeks, it aches too much to think about so I rest my head against the window and drift off into an uneasy, uncomfortable sleep...

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