Chapter 24

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Finn pushes me down darker and darker corridors until I struggle to see where we are going. I stumble and he lets me fall
"What did you think you were doing? Do you realise how stupid that was?" He whispers angrily and doesn't offer to help me up. I don't say anything and he grabs my arm and examines the cuts that my Mother made, he runs his fingers over them and looks at the blood that is smeared across my arm and shakes his head
"I'm going to try and take Hunters place but if I can't persuade him then don't blame me if you get hurt" He says sounding tired and he pulls me up slowly and wraps his arm around my waist, propping me up as we walk
"Just remember" he whispers in my ear "You are strong Wolfie" he gives me a small smile as we reach and unforgiving looking door. I glance at him a look of terror in my eyes and he squeezes my waist slightly before he moves behind me and takes my hands again. He pushes the door open and pushes me lightly inside. I see Hunter, the rebel who took me from the palace. He gives me an evil grin and Finn pushes me forward softly trying to look like he is being rough. Hunter walks around me, scanning me with his cold, unforgiving eyes
"Finn... You may leave, you are no longer needed" He says curtly and I see out of the corner of my eye Finn shift uncomfortably
"I would rather stay and... Observe" He says with a tone of smugness in his voice. Hunter nods his head in approval and emits a cruel laugh
"Like father like son... God I'm such a great father" He smirks and I freeze and out of the corner of my eye I see Finn stiffen
"Now... Let's not waste anymore time shall we?" He grabs my wrist and pushes me against the wall before pulling my arm up to lock in the handcuffs attached to the wall. After he has secured both my hands he stands back to look at me,
"Mmm... Lovely" He says while eyeing my curves and I struggle against the cuffs trying to free myself
"Let me go" I say through gritted teeth and he laughs mockingly
"Not quite yet" He smirks and goes to a cupboard and opens it out for me to see. What's inside sends chills down my spine and I see Finns eyes flash with worry as he scans the cupboards contents. Inside the doors are lined with every shape and size of knife imaginable, alongside the many knives and weapons there are several menacing looking torture instruments. I grit my teeth and try to not flinch when Hunter approaches me with a sharp, black knife.
"Well pretty, little Wolfie" He says mocking me and he turns to Finn
"Isn't she pretty" He laughs and Finn smirks at Hunter
"Absolutely gorgeous" Finn grins and grabs another knife from the cupboard. I blush red "What?" Hunter just smirks at me and runs the sharp blade down my bare arm, I wince in pain and the blood drips down my arm. I look to Finn but his face remains calm and smug so I close my eyes and lean my head back against the cold wall
"I'm impressed Finn, you haven't taken her clothes off yet, that's quite an accomplishment for you" He laughs and I open my eyes to see Hunter staring at my body
"What is wrong with you? Your sick" I spit, trying to move his eyes elsewhere. He rolls his eyes
"Your Mother never complains, so why should you?" He laughs and I grit my teeth and I pull on the chains forcefully trying to get free. Hunter is in a relationship with my Mother. I can't process this information anymore and I struggle even more to get free. Finns expression softens and I can tell it is hard for him to see me like this. That's when he approaches me with a sorry look in his eyes, he raises the knife when Hunter calls out
"Stop... I'm going to broadcast this live, to send them a little warning" He smirks and sets up a little camera and attaches it to a computer where he types in something and it comes up with a picture of me looking tired, bloody and in pain. Hunter smirks and gives Finn a small nod. Finn comes closer and I can feel his breath on my face as he looks for a place to cut
"I need to convince him... Im sorry" He whispers and I can't look at him so I shut my eyes and press my lips together but when he buries the tip of the blade into the top of my shoulder and pulls it down, I scream in pain and tears fall and mix with the blood pooled at my feet, I can feel his hands shaking as he takes the knife out and he walks away. Hunter approaches me and smirks before brushing some hair behind my ear
"I don't think I can control myself... Your just so irresistibly sexy" He whispers loud enough so Finn can hear, he places his hand on my thigh and it slowly travels up, he bends his head to kiss my collarbone and I shut my eyes tight and prepare myself for the worst. I feel his hand slide under my dress move around to the back of me, he grabs my bum and pushes me against the wall harder and the kisses on my neck suddenly turn to bites. I shudder in disgust and try to move away
"Not so fast... Wolfie, im not done with you yet" He grins and his free hand settles on my waist, the tears silently fall and land on the floor with small splashes
"Let me go... Leave me alone, please, just stop touching me, leave me alone... Help me" I sob and Hunter ignores me and he digs his fingernails into my waist, causing a little blood to dampen my dress. I shut my eyes and try to ignore him when a voice cuts through my daze and I open them again
"Let her go Hunter, this is taking it too far" Finn spits and he is obviously disgusted, Hunter pulls away and I slump in my handcuffs, he turns to Finn and pushes him, Finn stumbles but gains his balance and gives his father a fierce look
"I'm not letting you do this, it's wrong" He says bitterly and his eyes flash brightly. Hunter stares at him for a few moments before returning his knife to the cupboard
"You had better watch yourself boy" He spits and walks out the door after giving me a challenging look, as soon as he leaves the room, Finn runs over to me and he unlocks the handcuffs. I collapse and he catches me in his arms and he wraps his arms around me protectively
"I'm so sorry Wolf, I'm so so so sorry you had to go through that, he is an animal, I can't believe he is my father, you have to believe me when I say that I wouldn't mean to hurt you but I had to otherwise he wouldn't of stopped" He says, his voice thick with emotion
"I want to sleep Finn, just let me sleep" I whisper and my head falls backwards

He carries me in his arms back to his apartment and places me on his bed gently before getting a small bottle of blood like liquid, it's dark red and has a thick texture. He gets some tissue and pours some of the liquid into it, he starts to wipe it on the cuts on my arms and it stings so badly that I cry out in pain
"Shhh Wolf, it will all be over soon" He whispers trying to comfort me and I close my eyes tight
"Now Wolf do you trust me?" He asks quietly and I give him a small nod without opening my eyes
"Good" He says quietly and his hand slides under my dress to my hip where Hunter buried his nails deep into my skin, I groan as it starts to sting and I can tell that he hates hurting me
"Finn... Stop please, it hurts too much" I sob and he wipes the tears away with his free hand,
"It gets rid of any scars and helps it heal quicker" He tells me and I press my lips together to stop myself from crying out.
"You did amazing today, you were brave and strong and I admire you for that... Your quite extraordinary in my opinion" He whispers trying to distract me from the pain
"Ha... Thanks" I say tiredly trying to make a joke of it but it doesn't work, he pulls his hand out and my skin feels cold where his hand was. I shut my eyes and let my body relax into the bed, he gets up and puts the bottle away and he lies on the bed next to me, I curl up in a ball and he wraps his arm around me and pulls me closer, I rest my head on his chest and that's when I realise he has no shirt on. I am too tired to care if he doesn't want me there and I soon drift off into a sleep interrupted with horrible thoughts and nightmarish memories...

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