Chapter 29

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Im sitting at the breakfast table with the rest of the Selected when I look up and catch Camerons gaze, he motions for me to follow him so I begin to walk out the door when Lola speaks up in a poorly disguised whisper
"Maybe he has finally realised what a bitch she is and how dangerous she is to us all" She says loudly and I clench my fists but follow Cameron outside and lean against the door frame
"What do you want" I say quietly while looking at the floor, he puts his hand on the door frame beside my head and leans into it until his face is close to mine
"I want you to meet me at the front doors at lunch, I have something for you" He says softly and I feel the familiar tingle of nerves in my stomach that only he can make me feel
"If you insist" I mutter and try to go back into the breakfast room but his arm is blocking the way
"Hey... What's wrong" He says softly and puts a finger under my chin and lifts it so my eyes meet his. It has been too long since I have looked into his eyes and I can feel myself noticing things in them that I didn't see before, I quickly realise what im doing and I concentrate on a painting behind him
"Nothing, everything's fine" I say flatly and he pulls his arm away and shakes his head
"Fine... Whatever, don't tell me anything like usual, it's not like I care or anything" He mutters and pushes the door open and I walk back in, sit down and push the food around my plate absent mindedly thinking about what he just said...

A couple of hours later I am pacing around my room debating with myself whether to go and meet Cameron and in the end I decide to go, solely because I don't want him to feel bad. I slip on his tracksuits and white tee shirt and tie my hair up into a bun, not caring who seems me and I jog down the stairs to see Cameron waiting at the foot of them, he grins at me when I meet him, I give him a small smile and some of the light disappears from his eyes, he quickly regains his confidence and hands me a large black box with a turquoise ribbon wrapped intricately around it
"Cameron... I can't" I say while looking at the present and he laughs softly
"Of course you can... I insist that you can" He says quietly and places it in my hands, I bite my lip and unwrap it and inside there is a pair of black skinny jeans and another cream coloured tee shirt with navy blue cropped sleeves and collar. I grin as I look at them and he laughs
"I knew you would like them" He says and takes them off me
"You won't be needing these now" He says and motions for a maid to take them to my room, he walks towards the door and I follow him confused where he is taking me. He leads me to the car park outside and I look at him
"Why are we here?" I ask confused and he grins at me
"Just wait" He says mysteriously and I lean back against the brick wall, I look along the row of cars parked on the gravel and notice that one of them is missing, I'm just about to ask Cameron if he knows about it when the missing car pulls down the driveway. I watch it curiously and when a figure steps out of the car I push myself offf the wall and stand up straight, the figure turns towards me and I recognise them straight away. Alex. I gasp and run towards him
"Alex!" I shout and relief crosses his face, he moves towards me and I run into his arms, nearly pushing him over, his arms wrap around me tightly and I bury my head into his shoulder, breathing in his scent. It smells of home and I hear the steady beat of his heart which brings thousands of memories flooding back, before I realise it, tears are dripping from my eyes, wetting his shirt and his hand is around the back of my neck, holding me close to him. I hear Cameron approach and his feet crunch on the gravel, he stands behind infront of us and I pull away from Alex and turn so Cameron doesn't see my tears, I wipe them with the back of my hand and turn back to him. Cameron walks towards Alex and offers him his hand
"I'm Cameron... Nice to meet you" He says warmly and Alex takes his hand and grins
"I'm Alex... Nice to meet you too"

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