Chapter 17

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The next day, we are all chatting in the Woman's room when the Queen walks in she gives us a quick smile before addressing us
"Ladies, could you meet Cameron down in the dining hall, he has some very important buisness to discuss with you" She says formally and gestures for us to make our way downstairs. We enter the hall and Cameron sits working at the large table, he looks up and gives us a grin before coming to stand infront of us.
"Now ladies, I am sure you are aware that this is a competition and that's there are going to have to be some eliminations some time soon, so I have been observing you and spending time with you, so I could get a feel for your personalities... I am sorry to say that fifteen of you will be returning home today, I am aware that this is quite a large amount but it is needed... Ladies Abby, Lily, Rose, Ella, Beatrice, Hannah, Tilly, Marcy, Nina, India, Olivia, Evie, Sky, Carly and Katy will be sent home, I am sorry for this but the needs were necessary... Please don't take this personally" He try's to stay composed throughout his speech but I can see the pain in his eyes as the girls whose names were read out start to cry and very soon the sound of wailing ladies fills the room. I can't take it anymore and walk out into the gardens, I walk around for a long time and then the sun starts to dip in the sky. I know I need to go back inside soon but the air outside is so cool and refreshing that I just want to stay here forever, I am just about to turn a corner when I hear Camerons voice carried over the wind, he doesn't sound like himself at all and I am just about to turn the corner when I hear someone giggle... Lola.
"Stop it Cameron, your SUCH a flirt" She giggles and it makes me want to throw up, she is so fake
"I'm sorry my lady, when I am with someone as irresistible as you I just simply can't keep my hands off" He says flirtatiously and I roll my eyes, he can't see how horrible Lola is because whenever he is around she acts all innocent and sweet. It makes me sick. I'm standing there when I realise they are going to be coming around the corner and I run back to the palace. I can't believe he just eliminated fifteen girls and he is already going on a date with someone, he is unbelievable. That afternoon I stay in the gym for the rest of the day and by the time I come out, I am too exhausted to do anything... I ask for dinner to be sent up to my room and I dismiss my maids so I am by myself. I have had an ache in my stomach since I saw Cameron and Lola together but I think it's because I had just eaten then I worked in the gym. I should of known better...

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