Chapter 2

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He looks at me while slowly chewing his apple deep in thought "I think you should enter" He says suddenly and I stare at him
"You have got to be joking... Do you realise what The Selection is? Would you really put me through that?" I say in disbelief. Just as he is about to answer Felix comes running down the stairs and he jumps ontop of me "Please come and play... Please, please, please, please" He whines and I roll my eyes at Alex "Nice to see you too" I mutter and push Felix off me before grabbing the ball from the corner and shoving him outside "Okay what do you want to play?" I ask and I shiver
He grins at me "Are you going to enter the Selection?" He asks cheekily and I roll my eyes
"No I am not and how do you know about that?" I say suspiciously and he grins and takes the ball off me "I think you should enter" He says while kicking the ball around on the frozen ground... It was only autumn yet it felt like the middle of winter and the people in the lower Castes... Such as me... were not handling it very well "Why is that?" I say dubiously and narrow my eyes at him. He shrugs and carrys on kicking the ball "Your prettier than most people I know... Your a nicer person and I think you need a break from all of this" He says breathlessly and I watch him for a moment. He was so clever for a 10 year old and it broke my heart to see that such a good brain would be wasted in working for the higher Castes, hauling their trash and cleaning heir houses. "What did you break?" I sigh and glance up to my bedroom window to see if it is still intact... It was
"Nothing" He laughs but then his face becomes serious and he walks over and looks up at me "Im not lying... I don't lie so please believe me, you are good enough to enter... Good enough to win! So please... Don't miss this chance" He says quietly and he holds my hand lightly "Mom would of wanted you to" He says softly and a lump forms in my throat when he mentions her and I pull my hand sharply out of his grasp and walk away from him "Get the ball... We're going inside" I say coldly and I slam the door as soon as he passes me. Alex shoots me a questioning look but I ignore him and storm upstairs and slam my bedroom door, I pull the crumpled form out of my pocket and stare at it for a while before grabbing a pencil and filling out the form:

Name: Wolf Dallas
Age: 17
Caste: Six
Hair Colour: Blonde
Eye colour : One green eye, one blue eye
Other Talents:

Once I had finished I read it over several times to make sure it sounded okay and I pulled my door open and walked down the stairs, Dad and Alex were obviously having a discussion about me as they abruptly stopped talking as I walked into the room
"Look... Wolf, Felix didn't mea-" My Dad says tiredly before I cut him off
"I'm entering... I'm entering the Selection" I say flatly and Dad and Alex stare at me in astonishment "What are yo-" Alex starts but doesn't finish as I slam the door and walk down the path to town. 'I am doing this for my family and my family only' I repeat to myself over and over in my head as I hand in my form and they take my picture. On my way back home thoughts start to find themselves into my head... What if you get selected? What if you became queen? How would Alex cope? and one that kept on coming up... What if you fall in love with him?

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