Chapter 14

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I'm sitting on my balcony, my legs dangling off the side when I hear a sharp knock on my door. "Come in" I shout and go back to looking out at the gardens. It's evening and the sky is a peach colour with light pink stripes. He comes and sits beside me and my maids curtsy at him before leaving the room.
"How is your hand?" He says quietly and I grit my teeth. Why does everyone assume that once I become a Selected, I am completely incapable of taking pain, or stress, or anything! It's so annoying and I am tired of being treated like that.
"Is there a gym here?" I say clearly annoyed and I avoid his question. He looks confused and I stand up and walk into my room
"Yes... Why? I don't think you should with your ha-" He follows me sounding concerned before I cut him off.
"Don't tell me what I can and can't do" I say sharply and I turn to him
"Where is it?" He eyes me cautiously but answers
"It's on floor two, go down the corridor infront of the stairs, turn at the first left and it's the second door on the right... Be careful" He adds and I roll my eyes
"Do you have a shirt I could borrow? Anything that you don't mind getting sweaty" I say ignoring his gaze, afraid he will convince me to not go, but he surprises me
"Sure... Let me go to my room and get it... I'm going to join you" He says trying to be nice but it just pisses me off. I walk out the room and wait infront of the gym when he comes round the corner carrying some tracksuits and a baggy white teeshirt. He smiles at me and I try to return it but it feels strained and fake so I stop trying. He pushes the door open and walks into one of the most technological gyms I have ever seen. At home I just used to run laps and lift anything that I could get my hands on... It's how I kept strong. He hands me the clothes and I pull my dress off and change into the clothes. I see Cameron blushing and it makes me laugh. He has probably never even seen a girl in a swimming costume before, let alone in her underwear. I head over to one of the running machines. I struggle to set it up and he smirks before setting it to a very fast pace and I start to sprint, trying to keep up with the machine. I see him watching me from a bench on the side and I pause the machine, to take a drink of water.
"Too fast for you?" He smirks and I laugh "Nah... It's a bit too easy for me" I shrug and laugh when he raises his eyebrow and I turn the speed up to its maximum I see Cameron watching me, not laughing anymore. He just looks interested. I start again and ignoring him and I run for a solid ten minutes before I slam my hand into the stop button breathing heavily, he walks over and hands me his water, I raise my eyebrow and he smiles reassuringly so I drain the bottle and look for something else to do. I see the weights and start moving to them when he grabs my arm
"Wolf... Your hand, be careful" He warns me and I shrug his arm away instantly annoyed
"Don't tell me what to do... You may be five castes better than me but I won't be told what to do" I say coldly and carry on walking to the weights.
"Is that what you think this is about? You have got to be joking me!" He says annoyed as I slide the weights onto the bar. He stops me when I have nearly used all of them up
"Try these first... Please" He says quietly and I roll my eyes but lie down on the bench. I lift them easily, get up and continue to slide more on. He watches me and I ignore him. He tries to lift the bar and holds it for a few seconds before it drops it and I smashes to the ground
"God sake Cameron, it's not that heavy" I pick it up and struggle to hold it. It is heavy... I have to admit but I can hold it for longer than him which makes me smile to myself.
"Wolf... I'm not going to let you do this anymore" He warns me and I raise an eyebrow "Since when do you own me?" I retaliate and he sighs
"I'm not going to argue with you either Wolf, please listen to me..." He says quietly and I roll my eyes before walking off to sit on the rowing machine but he grabs my arm and pulls me back to him
"No" He whispers and that's when I realise that our faces are only inches apart. Before I know it his lips are on mine and I pull away confused "Cameron... What the actual fuck was that?" I say angrily and he looks confused
"I'm sorry Wolf... I don't know why, I'm so-" He pleads and I hold my hand up to silence him. "Don't say anything" I growl through gritted teeth and walk out, leaving him in the gym alone. I don't understand what just happened and I don't think I ever will, I don't think I liked it... At least I hope I didn't

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