Chapter 13

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"We just talked... Nothing really happened" I shrug and Catherine looks disapointed, which makes me laugh. She wants to know all the details but I can't tell her them... What Cameron made me realise scared me, after he told me that I went back to my room, cutting the date short. I think he was disapointed but to be honest, it was not his desicion to make. Me and Catherine are sitting on a window ledge in the women's room, the sun is shining brightly through the windows and it makes me squint. She is just about to say something when a guard rushes into the room
"Ladies, please follow me, the palace is under attack" He says urgently and out of breath. I hear Catherine gasp beside me, and I freeze... Rebels... The people that killed my mother. I grit my teeth, and pull Catherine to the door where we run down the stairs and into a bunker, everyone else is there including Cameron and his parents. The King and Queen. I see Cameron look relieved when we run into the room but it doesn't last for long when a brick comes flying through the window, nearly hitting us. He runs to the windows and locks huge metal shutters into place. The King and Queen rush to help and I leave Catherine as I see one at the far end that has been left undone. I am just about to pull it closed when I see a brick coming towards the window fast, I duck just in time and it hits sending sharp shards of glass raining down on me
"Wolf!" Cameron shouts and runs to see if I'm hurt
"Are you okay?" He says worriedly from behind me as I slide the bolt into place. I feel a strange sensation in my hand and look down to find that it is bleeding, a piece of glass cut it as it flew past and has left a gash across the top of my hand. Cameron takes it carefully and leads me over to his Mother. She smiles at me and to Camerons annoyance, I curtsy
"Wolf, don't move, it will make it hurt more" He says quietly, still holding my hand in his "It doesn't hurt" I say softly and cut him off. It's true, adrenaline is pumping through my veins, resulting in my limbs feeling numb.
"You may leave now Cameron, she isn't going to die... I promise" She laughs lightly and takes my hand from his, and reluctantly he moves away to the other selected
"Now dear, this may hurt a bit, im going to have to take the glass out" She warns me and I sigh, why does everyone expect me to be so weak?
"It's fine, I can do it" I say quietly annoyed and I take my hand from hers and pull the glass out that was lodged in the cut. It stings and the blood flows quicker when it comes out. I can tell she is watching me so I keep my head down. I rip a strip from my dress and wrap it around my hand. It isn't the best but it will have to do...
"Where did you learn to do that?" She asks quietly and I avoid her gaze
"My mother taught me, she was sort of a doctor... If you know what I mean" I say and watch the blood stain the cloth
"She sounds like a fascinating woman... I would like to meet her one day" She says brightly
"I'm sure she would like to meet you too" I say quietly not wanting to explain my situation "I'm sorry your majesty but... I should probably go" I say tiredly and curtsy before walking over to a corner. The rebels continue to pound against the shutters but fail to gain entry and the sound of brick against metal, is enough to keep me awake but the pattern is repetitive and tiring. I close my eyes and lean into the corner, trying to make myself as small as possible when I hear Cameron come over "Northern or Southern?" I ask quietly and look him in the eyes wanting an answer. He looks shocked and suprised that I know this but I remain quiet until he tells me
"Southern" He whispers and I flinch unintentionally. Southerners were the people who killed my Mother, they are ruthless and violent and dont stop at anything. I nod slightly too tired to say anymore and he leans against the wall next to me "You had better get back to your crying selected" I say sarcastically and motion to the mess of girls huddled in one corner. He looks unsure for a moment before breaking the silence
"As you wish... My lady" He says calmly although the irritation in his eyes is clear. He said that to make me feel uncomfortable, but it isn't going to work... I am too tired to care

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