Chapter 2: Welcome Back to Fairy Tail

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Marigold fiddled around in the kitchen of the Dragneel's, awaiting for Jude's awakening. Lucy steps into the kitchen.

"You don't have to do this," Lucy said as she took some of the dishes and began to wash them.

"Of course I do, I love Jude. He's a great kid who deserves a great birthday. And turning ten is a big thing. He's earned it." Marigold said as she put some pancakes onto a plate. She sets the plate down and steps into the other room where Nashi and Liddan struggle to wrap a present. "Hey Liddan!"

"Whaaat!?!?" He moans.

Nashi, who had some how wrapped herself to the present, cried, "This is haaard!"

"You can do it!" Marigold gives a thumbs up and slips out of the room.

"Hey! Don't abandon us!" Liddan shouted.

Marigold grins as she thinks, This is probably the first time I've seen the two act like themselves since Gideon died. Marigold steps back into the room to immediately her the sound of a shattering plate. Lucy begins to pick it up until Marigold stops her.

As Marigold picks up the broken pieces, Lucy leans against the counter and covers her mouth with her hands. "This is just becoming more and more of a mess every day. Gideon's gone, its killing Nashi and Liddan, I can't imagine how it is for Gray and his family. Natsu and the others have been gone for two weeks and it's been days since they last contacted us. And me? I'm just some fat pregnant woman who's going into her forties soon."

"You don't look it...and you aren't fat yet." Marigold said, attempting to give some encouragement.

"I'm potentially fat." Lucy concluded.

Marigold, unable to deny it, nodded, saying, "But in the best way."

Lucy shows a weak grin, but it runs from her face as she speaks again."What hurts the most is my baby boy's gonna have his tenth birthday without his dad. He's our fourth kid, and now I'm pregnant. He feels neglected enough as it is. His own dad missing his almost sounds like my childhood." Lucy, realizing she quite possibly did as good as a job as a parent as her father, began to sniffle a bit and was on the verge of tears.

As Lucy held in tears, there was a faint knock on the door. Before either Marigold or Lucy could answer it, the door swings open and Natsu storms in screaming, "HAPPY BIRTHDAAAAAY!!!"

Lucy jumps back shocked as she begins to stammer, "Natsu!?!?!?" Natsu runs into the kitchen, grabs her by the waist and gives her a long 'honey, I'm home' kiss.

He grabs her stomach and says, "Three kisses for each of you." He kisses her stomach three times when Liddan and Nashi run into the room.

"Is dad home?!" Nashi shouted.

Natsu runs over picks Nashi up, "One for the oldest!" He give her a big kiss on the cheek then sets her down.

He turns to Liddan, who is already running away, and snatches him. He gives him a kiss on the cheek then sets him down.

As Liddan walks to Marigold in tears, Natsu runs to Layla's room shouting, "Layla! I'm home!" The family hears a bit of yelling from Layla, who was still asleep, and some fire and lightning being shot at Natsu. In just a few seconds time, Natsu runs into the main room holding Layla in his arms. As Layla shouts and struggles, Natsu kisses her on the cheek and sets her down next to Nashi.

Natsu finally sprints to Jude's room. As he leaves, Layla says, "I'm going back to bed."

Nashi grabs Layla by her shirt, "No you're not."

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