Chapter 15: The Picnic

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On fine morningat the crack of dawnJuvia heard ruckus in the kitchenIt was November first and Sylvie has been out since last night. Juvia cautiously swept the sheets off of her legs, careful not to wake her husband and stepped out of the bedroom and into the kitchen. She flicked othe lights to see her daughter cookingand stuffing food into a picnic basket.

"Honey, what are you doing?" Juvia said to her daughter.

"I'm going on the a picnic." Sylvie said. Having put the last item into her basket, she bids her mother goodbye.

Now this picnic idea was only slightly random. You see, last night was Halloween and Sylvie had suggested that she and her friends visit her brother. However, the plans were interrupted and they rescheduled it to the next day.

It was quite early when Sylvie walked down to Laurie's home and knocked on his door. He of course immediately opened it and have a tiresome, "Ello?"

"Good morning!" Sylvie grinned. Sylvie walked under Laurie's arm that draped over the door frame. She set her things down and went straight for a comb and wash cloth.

"Wh...what are"

"What am I doing here?"

"Yeah...that's it..."

Laurie tumbles onto the bed and moans a bit. Sylvie kneels in front of him and begins to wash his face.

"We're visiting Gideon today." Sylvie said cheerfully.


Sylvie combs Laurie's hair then sticks a toothbrush into his mouth. "Brush."

Laurie slowly brushes his teeth as Sylvie digs into his closet. She pulls out a nice, dress shirt, and some clean, stylish jeans. As she steps towards Laurie, she picks up a bowl and towel.

"Sho...whash are you doing--"

"Spit." Sylvie displayed the bowl to Laurie he spits and Sylvie cleans his face with her towel.

"Yeah...yeah that..."

"Yeah what?"

"Why are you, you know..."

"No Laurie, I don't know. Do tell."

"The thing with the...uh..."

Sylvie helps take Laurie's shirt off as he attempted to make peace in his mind. She slips the button up shirt onto Laurie's arm. She buttons it up nicely and begins to tie his tie.

"Guhhh...there's a certain word..."Laurie pondered his theory until it hits him. He springs awake upon announcing. "Oh! Mothering! Gyah!!"

Laurie looks down and sees Sylvie is taking his pants off. "What?"

"I can do that myself!!!"

"Well you're always just so tired in the morning, Laurie!"

"Yeah, well believe me...I'm awake now!"

Sylvie snickers and stands up. Places her hands on Laurie's shoulder and kisses hoods forehead. "Good morning Laurie."

She steps out of the room, as Laurie fidgets in his bed. He puts on his pants and steps in front of the mirror. He straightens his tie and grins. "She did pretty good..."

Fairy Tail: Next Generation - Volume IIजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें