Chapter 13: Sisters

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In case you don't get a joke I make in this chapter.

Nashi - another name for an Asian pear.

Marigold sighed as she cooked breakfast. Her hated soon to be sister-in law slept soundly in her room, as her brother slept in Liddan's. Liddan continued to sleep on the couch--Marigold had taken the love seat--snoring at an inhumane volume.

"Liddan..." She groaned, loosing her stability from his snoring. "Wake up already. It's 10 o'clock in the morning."

Liddan yawned and looks up at Marigold. "Hey, mornin'....why am I on the couch?"

"Because I dragged you there in the middle of the night while you were sleeping. My brother's in your room. Sorry."

"S'okay..." Liddan mumbled. He was hardly paying attention, the only question he really wanted the answer to was when breakfast was ready.

Marigold dumps the scrambled eggs onto a plate and sets it on the table for Liddan. He digs in when Marigold's bedroom door cracks open. Sabrina--the teenage witch--steps out with a hardy yawn. "Mmm....what's for breakfast?"

Marigold gives a repulsive glare and mumbles out, "eggs."

She dumps another batch of scrambled eggs onto a plate and offers it to Sabrina. She makes a disgusted face. "Eeer...I only take my eggs fried."

"I don't have anymore eggs." Marigold explained.

"Then go buy some." Sabrina said. She taps her finger on the counter and gives Marigold a look signifying the thought that it was a "simple" task. Marigold, without a word, look, or even thought; grabs her bag and heads for the door.

"Where are you going!?!" Liddan said, with a mouthful of eggs.

"Where do you think?" Marigold explained. "I'm getting eggs."

Lucy sat content at the car counter. It was good weather outside and she'd been having a good day so far. Her husband Natsu had made breakfast without burning down the kitchen, her son Jude made his bed and cleaned up his room without having been asked, and her daughter Layla actually smiled at her this morning.

"Hey mom." Nashi said, walking up to the counter her mother had rested at. "My goodness, you've gotten fat."

"It's only the third month and I'm carrying the living babies inside of my stomach, I'm only getting bigger from this point on..." Lucy said, having now her day been ruined.

"Well, I hope you recover." Nashi said.

"From what...?" Lucy said. "If it's baby fat, I can take it off easily." Lucy said proudly. "I've had 4 kids, you included. And you were a big one..."

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