Chapter Eleven:One Little, Two Little,...

Start from the beginning

Watching as my spell took effect as the potion filled up the dozen little bottles I set out.

As the last drop of potion was inside the bottles popped and a topper appeared on all of the bottles.

Finished I sighed and stuck the bottles in her bag that she had hidden inside a sash that she had around my waist.

Turning around I saw her guests gaping at me.

Suddenly the pompous one stepped forward, looking down his nose at me, "You're not allowed to do magic unless on Hogwarts grounds."

Narrowing my eyes at him I snarled, "According to who?"

He smirked at me, "According to the Ministry of Magic under the Decree for the Reasonable Restriction of Underage Sorcery."

I furrowed my eyebrows then shrugged, "They haven't seemed to care for this past month so I'd say that they don't really care."

He scoffed and muttered something about laws and regulations.

Rolling my eyes ate "goody two shoes" I turn to the rest of the family that are just quite until Arthur speaks up.

"So, Ruby, mind telling us what what you were brewing up or am I going to start to have to be your test subject again?"

I smirked remembering the time I turned him pink, "No I know what this one does but it's going to have to be a surprise."

He started to chuckle nervously, "I'm not going to turn pink again am I?"

"No, not at all, even if you looked fabulous."

The twins immediately came up to me and asked "Why haven't we been hanging out more if you turned our dad pink?"

"That's on you, if you guys stopped by for a cuppa every now and then you would know about this stuff."

I then turned to Molly and asked, "So, why exactly did you pop by with the whole clan anyways?"

She looked at me sheepishly, "Charley is coming by and is bringing a few of his co-workers and so we need an empty house for the extra company."

Realizing where she was going I smirked at her, "So you want the boys to stay here."

Immediately the pompous one went to protest but was cut off by Arthur, "Enough Percy, we can only have one of you stay at the Burrow."

"Then let Ginny stay here instead," he snapped at his parents.

"Fine but you have to stay in Ron's room," Molly retorted.

He turned as red as a tomato and stormed away.

"What's in Ron's room?" I whispered to the twins.

"We have a ghoul in the attic and Ron's room is right below it," Fred replied.

I burst out laughing at that causing Arthur to glare at the twins suspiciously, "What did you lot do now?"

They just smirked, "Nothing."

We walked up the stairs and turned the corner just in time to see Tomato Git disappear in the floo flare.

"He's a real charmer that one," I commented.

"I'm so sorry about him," Molly apologized.

"Nah, don't be there are people like him all every where you turn you just got to deal with them in your own way."

"Your own way?" asked Ron.

"Well some just go along with it, some lash out, some just succumb, and some make their irritation their amusement."

Ron looked at me and asked, "Which are you?"

I smirked and said, "The latter."

Suddenly the floo started crackling and I said, "Exspectata."

Then there was a pop and an adorable little girl popped out.

She looked around timidly before stepping out of the fireplace carefully.

I walked up to her and said, "You must be Ginny, my name is Ruby Storm, it's a pleasure to meet you."

She shook my hand after a slight hesitation.

I smiled at her reassuringly, "I have a feeling that we're going to be good friends."

After that she smiled and graciously shook my hand.

After that the grandfather clock behind me rang twelve times.

"Blimey is that what time it is?  I better put some lunch on the table.  Stay for the meal Molly?"

She thought about it for a second before agreeing.

I smile then led the way into the dining room before waving my wand and stated the words, "Prandium acetabula."

With those words the tables was instantly set for seven people.

"Please sit," I said as I took my place at the head of the table.

They sat down and looked around expectantly.

"Aren't you going to eat?" I asked digging into my bacon wrapped steak.

They look at me shocked before Ginny asked, "Where did that food come from?"

I slapped my forehead realizing that they don't know how to use my enchanted dishes.

"Just picture whatever food you want and it will appear in front of you, same with the goblets."

They did as I said and looked shocked as a variety of foods appeared in front of them.

I just smiled and said, "Tuck in."

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