23: The Memories of Asada Raito Part 2

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I had to work the next morning and woke up real earlier than usual. The dark sky was still apparent from outside.

I took a quick wash and ate a fast breakfast and went out. No one was out, the usual noise of the town was absent, no stall or shop was open yet. Most would at least open during sunrise. I quietly made my way out of town and at the far outskirts to the east. A plantation growing surplus amounts of wheat.

     I arrive at the wheat farm and leave my pack in a basket they give us in the start of our shift and can access during break or after work.

     It was a big black farm located far off of the main Parvus map. But if you try wandering really far, you cannot miss it's enormous size. It was also the bodega of all the flour made for the bread. Traders from different and distant towns came here for that one thing, as valuable as gold as one might say for being fined yet pure. There have been rumors about tradesmen being ambushed by bandits because of Parvus' high quality wheat. I didn't however believe in it much.

      I went back to the shed nearby where all our tools were stored. I picked out a sickle and went to the field. The harsh sun hitting my face. I can sometimes see parts of my skin reddened by it.

     We only had water breaks from how much work was needed. Despite feeling the weird punched gut feeling when having not eat anything, I had to sustain myself with water. I was one of the younger workers so they tried not to force any harsh labor on us as much as possible. Luckily I wasn't assisted to helping out with lifting bales of wheat after its harvest. The owners, long descendants of the Parvus' town founder, runs it. They didn't have any direct associations with the government. The mayor excelling in the field of business.

     Not much is known about him. He doesn't really like to show himself. Nothing much is said about his name, family or relationships. He ran the town mysteriously.

     The sun rose high into the sky and I worked, deprived of food, and the heat rising quickly. I assumed this was all normal to parentless children like us, work us and starve us. We were taught to be used to being like this. It became our usual reality.

     My shift ends and all of us workers fall in line to get our pay. As I was in front of the line, a young man hands me a pouch and I thank him. I take the stuff that I put on those bins and leave back to town.

      I counted the pieces of silver and bronze. The same as always. 6 silver pieces and 25 bronze pieces. I hid them away in my pack and leisurely walked the Main Street.

       "Raito!" I feel a slight shove by my back.

      I turn to see who it was, Atsuo. He was panting and trying to catch his breath. I continue to walk as if nothing happened. 

      "Hey, man. Where did you run off to?" He asked me.

     "The wheat farm. I work there." I answer. Proceeding to walk.

     "Work? But we're not even of age yet." He gives me that familiar aloof grin, "That's cool. I didn't know you could do that. So how long do you work? Is it pretty hot? What do you do..."

He lightly tapped his heel onto the pavement and puts his hands in his pockets. I let him quietly follow. I thought he'd probably leave.

It was harder to ignore the hunger now. Adding along with Atsuo's rambling. I had to give it up. We conveniently passed by an udon shack. I've never really bought food from shops as the orphanage provided most meals but I wasn't sure if I wanted to bring Atsuo there.

     "Hey, are you hungry?" I tap his shoulder and point to the shop, "I'll pay."

      I shake the small pouch I was given and his eyes sparkled comically. He nods and we go in. He was almost like a deer in headlights. He was puzzled, surprised and seemed excited for merely a bowl of udon.

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