Christmas Chapter

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I haven't written in soooo long so be kind and be patient, this may not be the best. Also, I hope you had a wonderful Christmas! Enjoy! - L x

This chapter is before Jack and Lily have kids btw.


Jack's P.O.V

Small, barely audible breaths passed through her rosy lips. Her flushed chubby cheeks made her look so young and innocent.

It's Christmas today and I woke up at the crack of dawn. I swear I'm not a child, I just love Christmas. I mean who doesn't!

I've been watching her sleep peacefully for about two and a half hours now and I don't think I can wait any longer.

I gently shift my weight so i'm hovering over her, my face inches from hers. I start by placing a delicate kiss on her forehead and begin peppering them all over her milky skin; avoiding her lips.

I feel her tiny form stirring underneath me, a small whine escaping her lips, clearly not wanting to wake up.

I'm graced with the sight of her beautiful eyes as they tiredly flutter open. As we lock gazes, I can't help the smile that graced my face. She's just too perfect and she's mine. All mine. Forever.

"Merry Christmas baby." I whisper softly, moving a stray hair from her face. A soft smile adorns her lips.

"Merry Christmas Jack." Her voice is slightly husky from sleep and it stirs something in the pit of my stomach. I resist my sinful desires and plant a sweet kiss on her lips. I melt into her, taking her all in as our lips move in sync. When we part, I admire her for a second before rolling over and sliding out of bed.

I offer out my hand and she gratefully accepts it, allowing me to pull her out of bed and downstairs where the presents were.

I plop down cross legged in front of the Christmas tree and presents, Lily following my lead but opposite me. She rummages through the pile of presents and hands me my first one, a giddy smile I'm sure matching mine, spread widely across her face.

I don't hesitate to rip the paper open, throwing it over my shoulder without a care. It's a sleek, black, square box. I lift the lid to find a sparkling silver Rolex buried in plush fabric. A gasp escapes me at the extravagant gift. I never in a million years expected this.

"Oh baby.." I begin.

"Do you like it? I can swap Ito r something else?" She rambles cutely.

"Like it?! Lil, I love it! I'm just shocked that this is mine! I've been dreaming of owning one for years. I love you." I gush whilst latching the watch to my wrist.

I place the box to one side and delve into the presents, finding the one with her name scrawled in my terrible writing. I take a deep breath before handing her it. I hope she likes it. It is our fourth Christmas together, so I'm sure I'm not that bad at gifts. She's never complained before.

I tenderly place the wrapped gift in her little hands and return to my seat; biting my nails anxiously awaiting her reaction.

She smirks at me before carefully tearing the paper away, layer by layer. Once she is too finished, she is met with a black box. She peers up at me curiously before allowing her attention to return to the present. She lifts the lid and takes out the note, bringing it close to read.

"I often think of you as my shining star, my light in life but you're not the only star in this room." She whispers under her breath whilst she reads. Her head snaps all around the room until her gaze locks onto the top of the tree.

She slowly rises from the floor and pads over to the tree barefoot. She has to stand on her tip toes which I find adorable but she manages to reach the star. She makes her way back over to me.

The star is glittery strands intertwined to make a star, almost weaved, making it 3D. In the middle is a velvet box which she pulls out from the centre.

As she looks at me. I see tears forming in her eyes. I smile at her encouraging her to open the box. When she does a tiny gasp escapes, her hand flying up to cover her mouth. I take this time to settle myself on one knee before her.

Her vision shifts to me, more tears flooding her eyes, trailing slowly down her cheeks.

"Lily, ever since I first laid eyes on you, I knew you were special. We didn't have the best start but we pulled through like we always do. I have your back and I'm lucky that you have mine. You've changed me for the better and I'm forever grateful for that. Before you can into my life, I was missing something. That something was you. You turned my life upside down in the best possible way. I haven't been this happy in such a long time. You're so beautiful, baby. Such a beautiful girl. Not to mention smart, witty, funny, cute, feisty and sexy as hell. You're my dream woman and then some. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to have babies and sleep by your side every night and open jars for you and drive you places and grow old with you. Baby, I want to marry you and I want you to be mine forever. So, Lily, will you marry me?" I take a deep breath after my speech. I didn't know what I was going to say and no matter how many times I tried to write something down, I just couldn't.

Her head slowly moves up and down, not being able to speak through the tears. Her body collides with mine as she throws herself into my arms. I engulf her to me, bury my face in her neck.

I pull away so I can take the ring from the box and place it on her finger which makes her cry even more. She crashes her lips onto mine the minute it's in place and I don't hesitate to kiss back.

I always knew there was a reason I loved Christmas.

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