Chapter seven

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Once the boys had released me from their death grips, they ushered me over to that familiar blue couch. I plonked myself down and turned to face them.

"So.. what are we doing today then?" I asked.

"Well, we basically have the whole day free until we have to perform, so anything really." Jack J spoke up for the first time today.

Right ok. I could do anything I want today with the digi tour boys. What shall we do?

Thankfully, I had a sudden brainwave.

"We should pull pranks on people!" I exclaimed loudly making all of the boys jump and me giggle at their shocked expressions.

"I knew there was a reason we kept you around." Nate teased.

"Ha ha." I said dryly making Nate chuckle.

"Anyone got any pranks then?" Jack G asked. The room was silent as we all began racking our brains. Well I say we, I'm pretty sure that the guys are gonna come up with way better pranks than me so I don't see the point.

I let my gaze flit around the room, taking everything in once again. I stopped when I got to the food table. Now that I think of it, I hadn't had any breakfast this morning. A quick snack or two won't do any harm.

I quietly lifted myself from the couch and tiptoed over to the food; the boys not even noticing from how hard they were thinking.

As soon as I was in reaching distance of the plates sent from heaven before me, I grabbed everything I could and stuffed it in my mouth. I ate cakes, pastries, sandwiches, biscuits, you name it, I ate it and all within a two minute time period. Pretty impressive if I do say so myself.

I carried on stuffing my face mercilessly until I felt a tap on my shoulder making me halt immediately and swallow with a large gulp.

I slowly pivoted to see all four boys standing in front of me with amused expressions on their faces.

"I got hungry?" I said but it came out as more of a question.

They all began to smirk at my lame excuse.

"Is this real life? Have we actually just witnessed a girl eat more than we do, quicker than we do?" Sam exclaimed in faux shock, making me roll my eyes at his blatant stereotype.

"Not all girls are like that you know?"

"Hey. I, for one, think it's hot that a girl can eat that much." Jack G winked in my direction, a light blush dusting my cheeks at his flirty comment but I shook it off quickly.

"Anyway." I clapped my hands together. "thought of any pranks yet?"

"Well whilst you were eating like you've been starved for seven years, I decided to use my genius powers and come up with what could possibly be the best goddamn prank you will ever pull in your entire existence."

Oh this should be interesting.

Authors note

Quick little filler chapter to carry on the story. Please vote and comment if you're enjoying the story and lemme know what you think!

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