"Well, I have one more person to see! I'm off! Bye!" Sofia waved before fazing into her white ninja-streak.

"Shall we?" Tori asked.

"Oh, yeah," Shane replied.

The three senseis walked under the waterfall entrance to the newly restored Wind Ninja Academy.

Thunder Ninja Academy

Hunter Bradley was finishing with his group of students when they began giving him weird looks.

"Whatever you're looking at can't be as important as what I'm trying to teach you. Now pay attention!" Hunter lectured, not realizing that what his students were looking at was Sofia.

Sofia smiled at how strict and direct Hunter was behaving towards his students, not at all different from their ranger days.

"I want you boys to be here the same time tomorrow so we can work on your thunder abilities. Think about your commitment to your ninja training. Class dismissed," Hunter dismissed his boys, who bowed to their sensei as a sign of respect and lumbered away.

Hunter sighed in exasperation as he ran his hand through his hair.

"Well, not bad, Sensei Bradley," Sofia complimented. Hunter startled and turned around, his blue eyes lighting up with happiness.

"Soph," he whispered. He rushed to hug her.

"Yeah, I've returned," Sofia muttered. She squealed as Hunter swept her off her feet and spun her around. "Mmm, I've missed you, Hunter."

Hunter set her down on her feet, but didn't release her. "I've missed you, too, Sofia."

"I have a surprise for you," Sofia muttered.

"Oh, really? What is it?" Hunter asked in a low rumble.

"This," Sofia replied, wrapping her arms around his neck and pressing a long, hard kiss on his lips.

"Some surprise," Hunter murmured when they parted sometime later.

Sofia laughed and leaned her head on his chest. The couple moved together in a tight hug, immediately squelching any daylight that happened to make it between them. Sofia lifted her head off his chest and looked into his beautiful silvery-blue irises. Sofia relished in the peace that she felt with her love now that Lothor was gone from their world. But she couldn't shake the nagging feeling in her gut that something bad was going to happen. She sighed softly and moved her arms from Hunter's neck down around his trim waist.

"Is something bothering you?" Hunter wondered. Sofia nodded.

"It's just... I feel like this serenity isn't going to last and we're going to be whisked off into battle again... I've gotten so used to Lothor being gone that I've forgotten what it feels like to be a ranger," Sofia sighed. Hunter let out a frustrated breath.

"Sofia... how many times do I have to tell you!? Whatever happens, we'll face it together! We're a team, you and I," Hunter reprimanded, rubbing her shoulders with his hands.

"Aw, Hunter! You're so sweet, but... try to be a little less uptight with your students," Sofia told him. "You need to relax... you're so tense." Hunter rolled his eyes.

"It's how Blake and I were taught when we were students and I guess... it rubbed off on me."

"Okay, Hunter, I was just giving you some advice, but if you look at yourself in the mirror, you would see that you are super worked. You look like you haven't slept in days," Sofia pointed out Hunter's exhausted appearance.

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