Chapter 15

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(Emmett's POV)

I watched as the girl with the (H/C) handed Edward's sweater to Jasper. They said a few quick goodbyes as I pretended not to be able to hear them.

Rosalie made her way back to the car. A light smile on her face. She was happy, this human girl made my babe happy and that's why I need to get to know her better. We had P.E together but we won't be in the same teams forever.

The rest of my siblings made their way into the backseat. Rosalie took the wheel and I in the passenger seat.

"Here, she gave me your sweater and apologized for not giving it to your personally. She doesn't want to start a rumor."

"Thanks kind of her. I'll have to thank her." Edward smiled. Few things in life made him smile. I knew what he thought about this kind of life.

"Oooo is Eddy-boy smiling?!"

"Do you  have a crush?"

His smile was quickly replaced with a frown.

"No, remember we need to keep our secret safe. If she's going to be working with us, I need to keep an eye on her thoughts."

"Keep telling yourself that."

Wind flew into my face as I caught the sweater Edward threw at me in attempt to shut my thoughts away. I laughed as I almost didn't catch it. I caught a light smell of flowers and Edward's cologne. A nice mix.


"Do you think he likes her?" I asked Rosalie. She opened her new stacks of magazines. Picking out the smallest one as she flipped read through the cover and looked at me.

"It's hard to tell with Edward. He's always been nice to the humans but with her he might be a little too nice."

"He seems happy when he's around her." His southern accent echoed through the spacious living room.

"Should we really be talking to openly?" Questioning the hearing range they had.

"They are far away by know and are probably too busy hunting, we should be fine." Rosalie was interrupted by the sound of our front door opening.

"I get that you're the fastest out of all of us but even for you, that was too fast." I was surprised to see him. They normally took 20mins.

"I wasn't that hungry." He shrugged.

"Since when?!"

"Since now."


*:.. End of Chapter..:*
Sorry this one is short! I need to work on that but I hope you enjoyed. I want to add other characters povs. I think it would be fun! What do you guys think? Yes or No? 🖤

Preservation (Edward Cullen)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora