Chapter 2

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January 2nd, 2003

*Alarm clock blaring*


I squinted, the radio clock continued to interrupt my much needed sleep. 3 seconds have passed and I slammed my hand on button. I will never get used to waking up early for school. For other things, I am 15 minutes ahead of the alarm. Walking to the bathroom for a quick shower, mentally making plans on how I was going to survive the day.

*Time Skip to breakfast*

"The smell of pancakes is heavenly!"

"Yes, I know I am an awesome cook." Side smiling, gently placing the last pancake on the plate and setting it on the table. "Sleep well?" She asked taking a bite of her stack of pancakes. "I think so, I'm not really sure." I took in her appearance, long hair neatly combed into an complicated but undeniable beautiful braids, outfit sharp, cleaned as ever, light makeup. "Mom, don't take this the wrong way but why are you all dressed up?"

"Nothing passes your eyes. I have a date at lunch."

"It better not be Brad again. I swear he's not good for her. She said she wouldn't take him back but I know she has a soft spot for him cause he looks like he wouldn't hurt a fly but I SWEAR."

"It's not it?" I hesitated as I looked up.

Sitting back with her arms crossed with the most annoyed expression ever "Really?"

"Sorry." I whispered

"Do you want me to drive you?"

"Yes, I can't seem to get the car working. It's starting to give me a headache." Grabbing my backpack, quickly checking my things I waited as my mom mumbled about the stove being off.

"Why not taking it to repairs?"

"I know it's the logical thing to do. But I want to be able to fix it in case it ever broke down. It's all I have left of Dad and he once told me to take care of it so that's why I want to try and fix it myself."

"Alright, just...don't make it worse."

"I will try."

As we walked to the car I felt like today was going to be...different and not because of the new students. I felt it in the air, in the sky, in the forest that surrounded our home. I wasn't certain if this was a good different but I hoped it was.

"I am going to be home late, so no parties."

"Got it. Actually , I have some dresses to finish."

"Alright, just don't overwork yourself. Also Jessica called yesterday. I forgot to tell you but she said she wanted to your opinion on something...ugh, I cannot remember what it was, sorry." She shrugged as if it was nothing but that was an understatement.

"Mom, you know how Jessica gets when I forget to call her back. She's gonna probably be upset with me today." Sighing, shuffling for my iPod.

"I'm sorry sweetheart, I'll make it up to you."

"Don't worry about it mom, I have your back. I'll make something up." I smiled.

"Now don't forget to order takeout. If this date goes well I will be home at 10."

"Okay, just be careful okay?" She stopped on the drop off section, noticing the slight nervousness in her eyes, reassurance is what she needed at the moment.

"Mom don't worry, he will like you and if he doesn't, you don't need him. I don't need a step dad. So if you're not comfortable, please don't do it."

She reached up to grab my face, kissing the top of my head.  She softly replied

"I know."

"I will order some takeout for you, just in case." Hopping out, quickly glancing the parking lot for my friends.

"Have a good day!"

"Thanks mom! I'll see you later." I closed the door and watched her drive off to work. The car slowly disappearing in the distance. I mentally wished her a good day.

Taking in a deep breath, I made my way to the front office.

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