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She drives me crazy.

I remained seated, watching my office door as it returned to its position after being forcefully pushed by a very flushtered woman.

When I noticed the phone stopped ringing, I leaned back relaxing myself and rubbed my forehead, thinking how this tiny clumsy woman manages to make me do things out of my list. I'm not a stalker nor a womanizer who goes kissing other ladies. But with her, I can't help but do those things. I'm addicted. Addicted to her smile, to her sassy remarks and those blue doe eyes.

'She drives me crazy'

When Lee suggested Felicity to join us for lunch, my immediate response was quite normal keeping his status in mind. Everyone knows how dangerous this old hog can be, except for my clueless secretary of course, and there is not a chance I'm letting him spend another minute around her. But the look of hurt in her eyes never left my mind the whole time.

I'm not used to this. These feelings. Everything in my life is planned, all by me. I don't want a thing out of its place. And, unknowingly enough, this perticular woman is flipping the whole table without my consent. I don't like not knowing what will happen in future. I have a plan, for everything. But with her, I don't even know what's going to happen in the next minute. With her, I know nothing except that I want her. I need her unplanned, imperfect, carefree life. So there's no way I'm letting her slip out of my hand.

I got up as my phone went off again and answered it when the caller ID showed 'Taysa'.

"You're not skipping it again, are you?" she asked but it was barely hearable over the loud music blasting inside her car.

"Lower your volume, for god sake" I sighed. My sister can be soft spoken in nature but her choice of music never fails to amaze me. There's no one who can seperate her from her music. While young, I used to wonder how long she had before her eardrums finally gave out.

She lightly scoffed but lowered the volume to some level, "Now, where are you? I'm already on my way. Should I wait for you?"

"It may take some time. You don't have to wait"

"Please don't start with another paper work" she groaned in annoyance, before releasing a small sigh. "I'm leaving tomorrow you know right. So don't even think about missing tonight's dinner. Come soon okay? Besides, I'm eager to meet her"

Her eagerness to meet Felicity was not new. I never mentioned anything about her to my sister. But when one day Chris decided to mock me about how I kept my men keep following an innocent girl, in front of everyone, it caught her attention and never left her mind. After countless questions, to which I neither denied nor agreed, she came to a conclusion to meet Felicity any chance she gets.

"We'll follow soon. Drive safe"

Hanging up the phone, I couldn't help but wonder how Felicity will react on seeing them. I only told her about Chris and Clara because I know the minute she'll find out who the other guests are, she'll try her best to skip the dinner. And I don't want her to.

After grabbing my coat, I straight went to the elevator and waited for the woman with golden locks to come. When I heard soft footsteps reaching me, I turned to her.

"Ready to go?" I asked, to which she only nodded.

Her ear tips were looking vibrant red on her pale skin. Her regular soft blush darkened few shades. Every time the screws inside her head start spinning, reminding her everything, the reaction would become more visible to the eyes.

"Stop thinking about the kiss. Your face will explode if you keep replaying it over and over in your head" I couldn't help the smirk crawling up my face as I teased her.

That Imperfect AddictionWhere stories live. Discover now