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With proper discussion and arguments with myself, I decided to call Clara, Asher's ex PA, and Adam, Mr Coulson's assistant.

Clara was pretty busy as her delivery date was nearing but she did helped me and decided to meet me at lunch.

She told me Mr Knight's choices, his taste, preferences, etc etc.

And damn, that man must think of himself as a king because he wants everything to be prepared in a royal way.

When everything event related was discussed, she asked me about my work.

Suddenly I came to notice that Clara keeps calling him Asher rather than Mr Knight.

"You call him by his first name?" I asked curiously.

"Because he's my husband's best friend" she smiled sweetly, eating her pie.

"He has a best friend too?"

"Yes. He do have a best friend. He may be a strict boss but he is a normal man outside work"

'Does being a normal man includes killing others in dark alley?'

" Now that also comes under his work"

"Did I say that out loud?" I gasped.

"Yes you did" she said while laughing.

"And you're okay with that?"

"I'm pretty okay with that. Plus my husband is one of Asher's most trusted man"

I watched her in shock. Like, how someone can be okay with this all killing thing.

I heard her sigh and she continued, "It's not what you think. They don't go killing innocents. They only show dark future to those who deserves it. Don't stress yourself much. Asher is a good man once you get to know him. Trust me". She squeezed my hand and gave me a comforting smile.

After ending my meeting with Clara, I returned to my work. Asher had an important meeting where, thankfully, I was not needed. So I decided to search the Coulson's file for Adam's number. Once I found it, I called him.

Adam's personality is kind of introvert, mostly. He's a shy, nerdy type of cute guy with the signature glasses on his face. When I first asked for his help, he started stuttering and I found it absolutely cute. But nonetheless, he got ready to help me.

He was free when I called him, so we decided to go to the venue; Hotel Palacio
Reaching there, I was completely awestruck by it's beauty. I would say it was simply one of the best hotel I've ever seen.

A strange fear settled on my chest thinking about how can Asher trust me with this big responsibility. What if I mess it up? What if something goes wrong? What if I miss something?
A series of 'What ifs' ran through my head. I shook my head to clear the anxiety and started my work.

"Maybe we should put the stage there" Adam said while pushing his glasses up. We were planning where and how to organize everything and I found myself more confused then I was in my math class.

"Okay. That seems a good spot. But what about the theme? Maybe we should keep it Golden and white. It will go with the hotel" I asked in a confused tone.

"Yeah. We can pl-" Adam stopped talking and stared at something behind me with wide eyes.

I frowned at him and turned around to find Asher standing there in his all glory.

"Mr Knight" I mumbled.

"How's everything going on?" He asked while looking around the hotel's hall.

"Umm.. we've decided the basic things like the party theme, decoration and the plac-"

"Who's he? Who are you?" He looked at me first then turned his glare towards Adam.

By looking at poor Adam, it seemed as if he would faint now, "I... I-I am A-Adam sir". He was shaking visibly.

'oh boy'

"Adam who?" Asher raised his eyebrow.

"Mr Knight, he is Mr Coulson's assistant. He's here for my help. I asked you yesterday night, remember?" my voice turned timid near the end.

"That's enough help. You can leave" he said directly looking at Adam. I gasped and tried to stop him.

"But sir, I need him to he-"

"Leave" he didn't even spared me a glance once and continued to throw daggers at Adam until that poor guy ran away and was out of our sight.

I watched him leaving with my mouth agape and throw my questioning look at Asher. I wanted to say so many things and as always I found no courage.

"Continue" he said gesturing towards the list present on my hand. I huffed slightly and continued on telling him my prepration.

Once hearing everything he didn't said a single word. He just nodded and walked away.

"That'll be enough for today. Hurry up, you have loads of work to do in office" I heard him saying before he went out of the door.

'Am I suppose to go to the office now? It's nearly 5. Can't I leave already?' I groaned but start walking.

We reached office within one hour and first thing he asked, well ordered, was to bring him a cup of coffee.

I was so tired. My eye sight was slightly blurry. My limbs were soar. I rubbed my shoulder lightly as I pick up the coffee mug and walked towards his office to give him.

After returning to my cabin, I resumed the stupid paper work and collected the important documents in a file. I again went to his office to hand him the documents.

Entering through the door, I saw him leaning on his desk casually without the coat. The top two buttons of his shirt were undone and to add more to the charm, his sleeves were rolled upto his elbow.


"The documents sir" he was checking his iPad when I tried to hand him the file. He looked at me once then returned to his iPad again.

"Put it inside" he pointed towards a side steel table with several drawers.

I walked to the table and tried to open one drawer but it seemed locked. I tried to open the second one and it was locked too.

'damn it'

I huffed in frustration when I was unable to open any of the drawer. Lost in my self commotion, I totally forgot about the man standing behind me and watching the whole show.

"You stupi-" I was mumbling under my breath while pulling the handle with all force, but stopped when I felt a presence right behind me.

I dared not to look back at him. My whole face became red when I realised he was there the whole time.
He lift his hand and brought it to the front. His extended hand was nearly touching my waist. There was merely an inch in the name of gap.

He hold the handle and twisted it in a different angle before pulling it and opened the drawer easily.

"Oh" involuntarily, a sound escaped my mouth. If my face was not red enough before, it surely was now. I was able to feel him looking at the red tips of my ear.

Suddenly he moved his face closer to my neck and his mouth was nearly touching my red burning ear.

"If you don't know something, just ask" he whispered huskily and I was able to hear the smirk hiding behind his sentence. I had to bite on my lips to prevent myself from releasing any kind of sound.
He stayed like that for few more seconds and I felt my breath hitched up due to the closeness of his body.

Next thing I heard was the sound of door closing and then only I realised he was no longer behind me.

I turned around and placed my hand on my rapidly beating chest, breathing heavily. I tried to calm down my flushed state. I used my hands to fan my burning cheeks and closing my eyes, I was able to think about only one thing.

'Stupid hormones. Stupid Asher Knight'

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