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Sunday came quickly than I expected and soon I found myself standing inside a boutique shop, debating which dress to finalize.

Unlike me, Sasha was very clear with her dress and as soon as we entered the shop, she found it. It was a short dark burgundy wrap dress. It was classy as well as sexy.

I, on the other hand, was standing in there like a confused soul as I had no idea what kind of dress I even wanted. I was liking each one of them.
I made a mental note for next time, to make myself clear before coming to actual shopping.

I sighed for the umpteen time as I looked over Sasha for help. She was already holding five dresses which I really love. She looked at me and shrugged, gesturing toward her hands, full of my choices.

At last, I choose a black sleeveless thigh slit sequin evening dress. It fits me like a glove and looked very elegant.

We finally walked out of the boutique shop. Then we entered another shop for heels. I already had one back at home, which will look perfect with the dress, so I didn't needed one.

Sasha was kind of obsessed with stylish branded footwears, so she bought two new pair of heels and one pair of high boots.

After some more shopping here and there, it was time for my favorite part.


We went to a nice diner, named Ruby's diner, where I ordered pasta and ice cream for dessert. Sasha ordered much lighter meal then me, like always. We talked about different things, gossiping about others but our main hot topic was the upcoming event.

The invitation said something about Asher Knight, who was going to be our chief guest for the evening, as his firm was mainly sponsoring the event.

Asher Knight is a well known name in this city. Even though I personally donot know very much of him, I know that being the CEO of the city's top company makes you a person with high status and power.

We all were excited meet him but Sasha was over the top. She was sure she'll make Asher Knight fall for her charm, making me only laugh.

"How can you be so sure that Asher Knight is a good looking man? I mean, I've heard that he's not a very media guy. So social media don't have any good pictures of him, right. What if he's very bad looking and that's why he's always hiding from the cameras. What if he's very aged and pervert?" I asked while eating my favorite thing in the whole world, ice cream.

"Pfft, haven't you seen his father Lucifer Knight? He's still hot as fuck while being the father of two grown up kids. If father is so sexy, I'm fucking sure son will be sexy as well" she smirked wickedly and winked at me.

I laughed and throw a napkin at her.
"You're unbelievable" I said while laughing.
"One and Only piece available in the world, babe" she patted herself as if she's proud of herself.

After whole day out, Sasha dropped me at my apartment and drove off.

I went upstairs and took a hot shower. I dressed myself in comfy clothes. And took a piece of chocolate before settling myself before TV. I switched through channels not finding anything interesting. Lastly I fixed myself watching 'Big Bang Theory'.

After few episodes, I was feeling quite sleepy. I turned off the TV and came back to my room. I flopped down on my bed and checked my phone.

I googled 'Asher Knight' and his whole history, biography was opened in one page.

'Woah, this guy is insanely famous'

I read everything about him and his work and I've to say, I'm amazed by this man. He's of 27 and he has managed to do so many things.

'And here I, 23 years old, don't even have my own car yet'

Indeed, it was true that internet doesn't have any clear photos of Mr Knight. There were pictures of him viewing his side view, back view, inside the car view but none of the photo revealed his face clearly.

However, there was one picture of him in his teenage years, with his sister, clicked in a function. He was smiling while looking at his sister while Miss Taysa was posing at the camera.

I zoomed in the photo and carefully looked at his face. He was looking awfully familiar but due to bad quality of photo I didn't quite get where have I saw him.

A yawned interrupted my thoughts and I browse out. I relaxed my mind saying that we'll meet him soon, so there's no need to stress out myself.
Putting the mobile at the night stand I drifted off to sleep.


As the event was nearing, work at office was also doubling. Elijah was very busy through out the week, so we didn't get much time together to discuss about our so called 'date night'.

Don't get me wrong, I'm very excited regarding our night together as a date but something was not right according to me. Maybe because he's my departmental head or something else, I just don't feel right.

On exiting the building, I was about to hail a taxi, when one car stopped in front of me. It was Elijah's.

"Hop in. I'll drop you" he said.
"Thank you" I smiled and went to the passenger side, settling myself down.

"How was your day?" He asked.
"Good. Pretty tiring but good"
"Sorry but work kept me busy these days and we never got a chance to talk clearly about the coming event"

'Here we go'

"Oh that's fine. Nothing to worry about, you don't have to apologize" I smiled softly at him.
"Yeah. So we're still on for the event night, right?" He asked nervously.

I remained silent for a moment but later smiled at him, nodding my head.

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