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I made the decision.

And I decided to take the job. I decided to sign the contract and be Asher Knight's personal assistant.

'It's not like I have any other choice'

At first, I was hell bent on destroying the papers but after yesterday's whole drama, I calmed down a bit in the morning and thought back about everything peacefully, except for the part of whole me being security deposit, I still hate that.

As much as I hate this, I can't directly reject him. Because as my father said, Asher can destroy everything. Now, I don't want anything happen to my mother.

I know what he can do. Maybe what I had witnessed that night was just a trailer. And I'm sure as hell, I don't want to see the whole movie.
I already made the horrible decision that night by going to that alley. Now I don't want to make any more.

So after deciding everything, I called Sasha and told her about my transfer just like my father asked me to. I accept, I hate my father but I can't go and tell people about the real reason behind this whole so called 'transfer'.

I don't care about his reputation, but I do care about mine. And mainly, I don't want other people's pity in my life. I already have a ocean full of self-pity, I don't want anymore.

Sasha, somehow, believed me after a long questioning period. Then she congratulate me. Because according to her I should take this job as a promotion since I'm getting a great job with a mindblowing salary plus a boss who's fucking hot - her words, not mine.

And she was damn right. I can't say no to a job like this. Even though I hate to admit it but this is one the best job in the city.
Maybe the contract is just a pretence but it's not entirely fake. It says all the details with terms and conditions and let me tell you, the salary is amazing and the post of being Mr Knight's personal assistant can give me many other facilities too.

Judge me if you want but I'm a human with needs and to fulfill those needs, I want money. People go for prostitution and hell, I'm doing better than that.

'Thank God, he didn't make me his sex slave or something. I'm glad he didn't fall so low'

So with a heavy heart and a logical mind, I signed the papers.


When you're not ready for something, then its due date come sooner than expected.

Standing before the enormous glass building of Knight's enterprise, I was regretting my decision for the hundredth time. My heart was drum rolling on it's own, inside my chest.
The wind was damn chilly and it was clearly not helping my situation. The chilly wind slapping on my face only reminded me of the reality.

'its now or never Felicity'
Thinking this, I walked in.

I walked with confidence, which I know was fake. I was dying inside. My mind was screaming 'RUN' as memories from that night again flashed itself in front of me.

Paying extra attention to my steps to not fall on my face, I let out a shaky breath as I neared the receptionist inside. One beautiful woman was sitting there and as she saw me, she plastered a smile.

"Good morning Miss. How may I help you?" She asked in a monotone voice.

Thankfully she didn't judge me on my clothes because I wasted half of my morning while deciding the right outfit for the first day. Sasha told me to wear something formal like classic tube skirt and blouse with heels but all I wanted to wear was shirt, trousers with sneakers.

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