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Hope is..., by Killswitch Engage

"This is our moment
will you stand with me
hope is not lost
hope is not lost."


Ten weeks had gone by.

More than two damned months and still no trace of my daughter and Damon!

Ten weeks between hope and despair and I found more grey hair on my head each day...

Liz had initiated a nationwide hunt for Kane and put Helen's picture on the missing person reports – nothing.

The van hadn't been identified yet because the plate hadn't been completely readable on the surveillance video of the town square.

On top of that, the abduction itself hadn't been filmed due to a gap between the recording intervals.

I couldn't sleep anymore and my nerves were more than frayed, and not only mine.

John had tried to help from Baton Rouge, but without any results.

The due date for the baby had been two weeks ago and I feared for my daughter. It was her first child...

Had she survived? Had the child survived? What had happened to Damon?

Questions upon questions...

Upset I paced the spot in the parlor of the Salvatore mansion after another senseless meeting and exchange of results of futile searches of our little group.

Finally Stefan had enough and stopped me.

"You'll ruin the carpet, Jessica", he said.

„We have to put an end to this", I huffed agitatedly.

"I know, but we've found nothing so far", he replied.

"There HAS to be something! We must've missed something! He couldn't abduct a heavily pregnant woman without preparation, damn it!" I snapped.

He grabbed my shoulders. „Fuck it, Jess'! I would wake the dead to find my brother if I could!" he shouted equally upset.

I looked at him and my eyes widened. A whole chandelier lit up in my head.

"Of course", I whispered hoarsely and slapped my forehead.

"Oh my God! Why haven't we thought of it earlier?" I exclaimed and covered my face with my hands, horrified that this had slipped me.

Abigail got up. "Jessica, what are you talking about?" she asked and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm never gonna forgive myself if they got hurt", I whispered aghast.

Impatiently she shook me. "Jess'! What is it?" she demanded.

I looked into her eyes.

„The other side", I replied and her eyes widened.

„Oh shoot! I'm such an idiot!" Bonnie exclaimed and shot up, slamming her palm on the table.

"Could someone please enlighten us?" Caroline stepped in.

„We call for Grams' ghost", she said and reached for the candles.

"You won't need them, honey. Take the fireplace", Abigail instructed her.

Bonnie looked quizzically at the flames. The young witch really still had to learn a few things. I took her hand.

"Let's get started", I said and we formed a circle.

Witch or vampire?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon