(Un)Holy Night - part 2

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Hate, by Agonoize

"Inside your head is where I'll stay
And I will never go away
You'll go insane, you can't see me
That's how revenge can really be
Your fear will grow from day to day
It makes me stronger when you pray
All I can feel is rage and hate
To see you burn, I cannot wait"

‚Aunt Caroline' – I could probably taunt her with this for the rest of her existence, but she wouldn't mind at all. She grinned like a Cheshire cat and was unstoppable. Before the female half of our group could start talking about nothing but baby stuff, I intervened.

„I really hate to spoil anyone's fun, but could we please return to the stalker for a moment?" I said.

That moment, my mobile phone rang and I answered it. „Hello?" It was John Mayor.

„Damon, just the man I need!" he greeted me agitatedly.

„What's the news, John?" I replied. Helen gave me a curious glance.

„I think I've seen this man before," he said. I held Helen's gaze.

„John, I'll put you on speaker. Helen is here as well as my brother and a few friends", I told him and punched the button.

„Helen! Are you okay, dear?" he asked.

„Sure, John, I'm fine, thanks. What did you find out?"

There were a few moments of silence on the other end.

„You won't like it, dear. Are you comfortable?"

She frowned. „Uh, yeah, I am. Shoot!"

I heard him drawing a deep breath. „Your stalker is Kane Doherty, Aidan Doherty's brother," he said softly.

Helen's face turned white as a sheet and she groaned, leaning into me. This wasn't good.

„Who is Aidan Doherty?" I demanded.

„The killer of Helen's father," John replied.

I narrowed my eyes. Something was right in front of us, something we didn't see.

„John, Aidan was a vampire, right?" Papers rustled on the other side.

„That's right! How did you know?" he blurted.

„Helen told me," I replied.

„Is this about revenge for his brother?" Stefan asked.

„If it only was that simple," John murmured.

„Helen, do you trust those people around you? Can I talk openly?" he asked.

She looked at me and I nodded at her.

„They already know what I am, John. What exactly are you talking about?" she answered with a little tremble in her voice.

„Back then, we found Aidan's hideaway while he was on his way to your home. Aidan had been obsessed with you. There were pictures everywhere, of you as a small child, as a teenager – he had been following your for quite some time. Unfortunately, we were too late that afternoon."

Helen held her breath.

„When we returned from the crime scene at your house, my CSI colleagues lay drained to death in one corner and all evidence was gone. My research later showed that Aidan had a brother – Kane. Vampire brothers, just like the Salvatores. The look alike and they originated from the same area like your family back in Europe, Helen."

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