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Darkness, by Trümmerwelten (part 2)

Only one way to escape
So I escape this life
This horrid nightmare
And close my eyes

Why should I go on?
Is there a reason?

I escape this life
This horrid nightmare
Close my eyes
There is no reason..."


Blood flowed...

...every hour...

...every day...

...until nothing was left...

Empty veins scrunched and chafed like sandpaper...

...every move caused unbearable pain...

Pain ruled me – filled my body...

...and my mind...

...again and again...


And there was the hunger!

A mad hunger for blood!

Hunger replaced the pain...

...hunger replaced the rage...

...the rage about what Kane did to her!

At some point her cries for me stopped...

...her crying stopped...

...only her heartbeat told me that she was still alive.

I closed my eyes...

I sought refuge in the innermost part of my soul...

...where HE couldn't reach me...

...where I was safe from his knives...

...from his vervain-soaked wooden splinters...

...and his burning stakes.

Only his magic attacks on my body pulled me back...

...back into my purgatory...

...each time – there was no escape...

At some point, I gave up...

...I gave myself up...

I wanted to die.







I was slowly going almost mad...

Kane forced me to witness Damon's torture, forced me to witness his pain, to watch Reuben bleeding his body dry, over and over again...

I had to watch how his soul slowly vanished and only the raw vampire remained... instinct driven, reacting to its keeper like a caged animal and submitting abjectly to snatch tiny drops of my blood which Kane had been taking from me.

Why he gave it to him, I couldn't fathom...

At first, I had fought him, then I had begged, screamed and cried – all in vain. At some point, I had no more tears left...

My heart broke, just like the mangled poor creature in the cell across broke anew every day...

Laura was a nervous wreck. My child had become her sole purpose of existence. I owed it to her that I didn't go into preterm labor.

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