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"Settle down with me,

cover me up, cuddle me in.

Lie down with me

And hold me in your arms.

And your heart's against my chest,

Your lips pressed on my neck.

I'm fallen for your eyes, but they don't know me yet.

And with a feeling I'll forget, I'm in love now.

Kiss me like you wanna be loved, (...)

This feels like fallin' in love, (...)

We're fallin' in love!"

Kiss me, by Ed Sheeran

I lost myself in her, in the feeling of holding her in my arms, of kissing her.

All the rules of my world seemed nullified. My child!

My mind tried to comprehend this miracle, but it seemed completely impossible.

Over 150 years ago, I had buried this aspect together with the ashes of my former existence. My reason lagged far behind my dead heart which had embraced the news instantly.

My lips softly touched hers and her mouth yielded to me, our tongues danced with each other as if they'd never done anything else.

It had been so long – it almost hurt now to hold myself back. I'd been so damn stupid! Why the hell had I thrown away something so beautiful?

Her arms naturally found their way to my neck and her fingers skimmed my hair, caressed my face ever so softly. My hands glided into her hair and down on her back all the way to her waist, caressing her belly.

Her lips curved with a smile while we kissed, but we didn't stop. We didn't tire to fuse our mouths in a tender, sometimes more passionate dance.

I could kiss her twenty-four hours a day, I thought.

Her belly was pressed flush to my body and at some point I felt something nudge my waist.

„Huh?" I glanced down.

„Junior is kicking again," she sighed and held her back.

„Would you like to rest upstairs?" I asked.

„Honestly?" she said.

I nodded. „Honestly."

She scrutinized me and cocked her head.

„Only together with you, Damon, but it's a bit too early to retire, isn't it?" She smirked and I returned the grin.

„I never cared about narrow views," I replied and lifted her up bridal style, carrying her back to my room in vampire speed.

„Oh God, this feels awful!" she gasped when I put her back on her feet in front of my bed and clamped her hand over her mouth.

„Do you feel sick?" I asked concerned.

She breathed deeply and waved her hand aside while she sat on the bed.

„I'm fine," she gasped. „The speeding didn't do good," she added.

„Lie down," I ordered her and re-arranged the pillows. She kicked her shoes off and I lifted her legs to help her.

„Thanks," she said and relaxed into the pillows.

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