Almost Christmas

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Underneath your clothes, by Shakira

"You're a song

Written by the hands of God.

Don't get me wrong, cause

This might sound to you a bit odd,

But you own the place

Where all my thoughts go hiding.

Right under your clothes

Is where I find them."

The next morning I woke up slowly. Damon's arm was wrapped around my non-existent waist and his body lay pressed to my back. He had buried his nose in my hair near my neck and one leg was between mine. He was still asleep, or at least pretended to be.

My memory of last night returned and combined with the feel of his bare skin on mine, I shivered slightly. We had slept together - the first time in over half a year - and despite my advanced state I had more than enjoyed it. It had been wonderful, all the sensations had been so intense. The baby had protested, but after a while it had been quiet, so that we could repeat our love-making a few more times. Damon had been so considerate and treated me with so much tenderness that it had almost brought tears to my eyes. My waist circumference and the baby's reaction had both of us laughing, but this had been quickly replaced with passion.

I would've preferred not to get up and remain in his arms forever, but an all too human need drove me out of bed now and into the bathroom.

When I padded back to the bed in the dark room, a narrow strip of light from the window fell on him and let his skin appear even brighter. He had turned on his stomach in his sleep and now clutched his pillow. I trailed my index finger gently over his spine.

"Mmm," he hummed softly to himself and I leaned over him to place kiss next to kiss along his spine.

When I arrived at his tailbone, he turned around and stretched.

"Good morning," he said and sat up to kiss me. "Do you have anything in particular on your mind?" he asked softly and gently pushed me back against the pillows.

"Depends on your plans for today," I whispered, running my fingers over his chest.

As if on cue, there was a knock at the door and I quickly pulled the blanket over my body.

"What the hell...?" Damon exclaimed indignantly.

"The spell, they can't hear you," I reminded him.

He groaned and hung his head briefly. "Can't I remain undisturbed ... just once," he growled to himself as he stood up and slipped into his shorts before he opened the door a crack.

"Good morning! I wanted to ask if you come with me to get the tree?" Stefan asked before Damon could snap at him.

Damon frowned. "What tree?" he asked.

"Well, the Christmas tree," was the reply.

I giggled. Damon turned around and gave me a confused glance. I just grinned.

"Today is Christmas Eve, remember?" I said.

"Well, come on, brother," Stefan said.

"Go," I nodded to him.

"I don't want to leave you alone," he said, furrowing his brows.

"Elena can stay with her, Damon," Stefan suggested.

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