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"These arms of mine

They are lonely, lonely and feeling blue

These arms of mine

They are yearning, yearning from wanting you"

These Arms of Mine, by Otis Redding

I stopped in front of my bed and for the first time today, I was really nervous.

Damon turned me around to face him and carefully took my face between his hands. He looked at my injured cheek.

„You need sleep, and better take a few painkillers", he stated and kissed my forehead.

I just nodded and stepped back to take off my shoes. "I'll refresh myself quickly", I said and fled into the bathroom.

What the hell are you doing? I asked myself and stared into the mirror.

I splashed some cold water into my face and retrieved the painkillers from the cabinet. Gulping them down with a bit of water, I looked at my face. On my left cheek I saw a bruise forming. This may take a few days, I thought.

After I brushed my hair, I tossed my bra, shirt and socks into the hamper. In jeans and tank top I went back to the bedroom.

Damon had closed the drapes and lounged comfortably on my bed. Except for his shoes, he was still fully dressed, as if he had sensed my hesitation earlier.

He watched me with heavy-lidded eyes while I grabbed a woolen plaid from the window sill and sat down on the other side of the bed. Without a word, he opened his arms and nodded at me.

„Come on, I won't bite", he said with a grin.

I scrutinized him, but his face was honest and open, so I crawled into his arms. When he pulled the plaid over me, I rolled on my side and nestled close to him. Hesitantly, I wrapped one arm around his waist, but he just took my hand and held it to his chest while his other hand caressed my back.

„Thank you", I whispered.

„For what?" he asked.

„For helping me, and staying with me", I replied.

He remained silent for a moment and stared at the ceiling.

„Never mind", he replied and squeezed my hand gently. „Close your eyes, think of something beautiful", he whispered and closed his eyes, snuggling deeper into the pillows.

It was kinda strange – I didn't know this man, but I felt perfectly safe with him. Maybe I was in a state of shock? Maybe, but his warmth and his regular breathing calmed me and lulled me to sleep.

My fantasy replayed tonight's events in my dreams, but at the point where the robber should've stormed through the door, things changed. Instead Damon chatted with me and finally kissed me over the counter. I woke up.

He had turned towards me in his sleep and placed an arm across my waist, his face being only inches away from mine. His dark eyelashes contrasted with his fair skin and lose strands of hair covered his forehead. The chiseled features seemed relaxed and fascinated me somehow.

Carefully, I raised my free hand and caressed his cheeks with my fingertips. His skin was warm and soft like satin. A wave of tenderness surged through me and I felt the urge to kiss him, but I didn't want to wake him. Instead I only caressed his lips with a feathery touch. Suddenly he opened his eyes.

His ice-blue orbs banned my gaze, asking, scrutinizing me until his lips reacted to my fingertips. I put my hand on his cheek and brushed my thumb over his lips.

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