The Maid I fell In Love With Part ll

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Despite how Nicki was feeling, Beyoncé couldn't help but to feel overjoyed. Soon as she heard those words come out of Nicki's mouth, her heart seem to explode and it felt like fireworks were happening around her. There was a huge smile plastered across her face as Nicki handed her the test which read positive on it.

"I'm really pregnant, I even took another one to be sure," Nicki says as she was holding the second stick.

"You don't know how happy I am right now," Beyoncé says pulling Nicki towards her before kissing her on the lips. Nicki didn't kiss back though. She couldn't. She felt stuck. Scared. Nervous. Shocked.

"H-happy? You're- you're not scared?" Nicki asked in disbelief.

"Scared about what?"

"Diamonte and what her reaction would be to this...  Beyoncé, you have an entire wife, you cheated on her with me and on top of that, you got me pregnant. This is scary. Especially for me," Nicki said.

"There's nothing to be scared about Onika, Diamonte doesn't need to know about this."

"Beyoncé, the truth always comes out, and once the truth does come out, my life would probably be a living hell," Nicki says.

"Onika what? No it wouldn't. I promise you it-"

"Yes it will," Nicki says sternly. "Your life would probably be a living hell too. You're a famous businesswomen, if this comes out to the media, it will give you a horrible image. Everybody would probably hate you, for cheating on your "lovely wife," Nicki explained.

"Onika you think I give a fuck what the media has to say or think about me?" Beyoncé asked after a sigh left her mouth.

"Beyonce I don't wanna spoil your image," Nicki says. Her head spun as many thoughts popped up in her head on what her next move should be.

"You're not going to spoil my image, I wouldn't give a fuck if my image would get spoiled anyways. Fuck what anybody is going to say or think about this and fuck how Diamonte would feel, I could really care less about her right now," Beyoncé bluntly says, surprising Nicki.

Nicki let out a shaky breath, refusing to look at Beyoncé at this moment. She couldn't even believe the words that were coming out of her mouth. Beyoncé really didn't care or even have a little respect for Diamonte which really surprised Nicki. "Diamonte would be hurt Beyoncé," Nicki says with distress in her voice. "Y-you don't think this is wrong?"

"No I don't think this is wrong. You think I give a fuck about Diamonte right now, I DO NOT care about her. She don't care about me so why should I care about her? She's given me many hints that she does not care about me and that she's only with me because of my wealth. Now you on the other hand, you actually care about me. You treat me how a wife is supposed to their spouse and that's one of the reasons why I'm so in love with you right now," Beyonce poured out.

Her body went numb and warm as she heard those words come out of Beyoncé's mouth. A smile that she failed at hiding appeared on Nicki's face as she had a staring contest with the floor. After a few seconds, she immediately came back to her senses, looking up at Beyonce with almost fear in her eyes.

"Beyonce... I can't stay here. I'm gonna have to leave," She says nervously. Beyonce felt her heart almost drop to her ass. A deep breath left her mouth before she pinched the bridge of her nose with her eyes completely shut.

"Onika, you're not going no fucking where," Beyonce sternly says.

"Beyonce I have to leave, I can't stay here. I can't manage to stay here, walking around carrying your child without your wife not knowing. I'm sure she'll suspect it's yours anyways, and when she does, she'll just end up firing me so there's really no point of staying here," Nicki says.

One shots~ Beynika/ Rihnikaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن