Chapter 55

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As we arrived to the resort, we were immediately greeted by Jin's aunt. 

"I haven't seen you guys in a while!" She said as she hugged us one by one. "Namjoon should be here any time soon since he goes here every weekend with his girlfriend"

Wait...Namjoon?  Is she...?

"she's Namjoon's mom" Jin whispered 

"Oh They're rich huh?" I said 

"definitely" Jin replied and ruffled my hair "Amy will be here any minute too" 

"I think he's bringing some friends over too" Joon's mom said "Aren't you friends with them too, Jin?"

Jin nodded in response "Joon's a really friendly guy, that's why his friends are my friends too. His girlfriend, and our friend Taehyung are bestfriends with JungHee"

"Ohmy, what a small world! That's nice that you guys get along well. Come on, you can leave your things in one of the rooms"


As Jin and I were walking to the beach, a baseball cap was thrown infront of me. As I picked it up, a boy ran towards me to pick it up.

"Sorry noona" He said as he wore it "sup Jin hyung" 

Jin smiled and waved. "How have you been DaeSeong?" 

"Pretty good. I gotta go, Jung's gonna be here any-"

"Gotcha!" Another boy jumped on his back. "You can't run from me now Seongiiieee"

"Hi Jin hyung! It's been a while, how are you?" 

"Never better DaeJung, get off your brother. He looks like he's having a hard time" Jin laughed 

"A hard time? the only hard time he gets is when the weather's cold-"

"Shut up Jung!" DaeSeong said, clearly blushing. 

"hehe sorry, Seongiiee you're so innocent" Jung laughed and gave us a big grin "Gotta goooo"

"Carry me to the water!!!" Jung exclaimed as Seong groaned and walked towards the water. 

"And they are...?" I asked Jin 

"Oh, my cousins" He chuckled "they're twins"

"Twins? but they don't look alike. Their personalities are so different too" I replied 

"If you look closely for a long time, they look a lot like each other" He said 

"I wanna have twins too" I said "anyways, let's go swiiiiiim"

"Swim? you don't even know how to swim" He laughed as he placed a beach umbrella on the sand and a cloth.

"Hey, I know how to swim. Don't underestimate me Mr. Seokjin. Now c'monnnnn let's get in the water" I said as I grabbed his hand

"you go in first, I'll come right after" He said as he sat down under the umbrella. He's no fun. "Don't go too deep in the water JungHee, okay? I promise I'll go in later"

"Oh, and you look hot"

"Stop" I laughed and slapped his arm "I'm going now" 

As I got in the water a floatie hit me in the face. I was about to get mad but then I saw Jung riding a flamingo floatie and the flamingo's beak is what hit me earlier. 

"Oh, sorry again noona" He smiled brightly at me. Seong was also on the floatie with him. 

"You're Jin hyung's girlfriend right?" Jung asked 

"Idiot, they're married" Seong said.

"I was just asking, what's wrong with that? you're so grumpy Seongie that's why you only have a small amount of friends"

Seong rolled his eyes. "anyways noona, I heard you're sick and that's how you met Jin hyung"

"Yeah, I was really sick back then and he was the only doctor we could count on" I replied 

"I once heard Jin hyung said he couldn't marry anyone since he became attached to you and then aunt and uncle decided that you two would be a great match. You knew each other for a very long time right? That's why they wanted Jin hyung to marry someone who they knew well" Seong said. 

Attached? What does he mean by that? like attached as in a romantic way? or attached to me as a patient he really liked to take care of? 

"Is it true that your family had debts to Jin hyung's parents?" Jung asked 

"yah Jung, don't ask questions like that-"

"Yeah, it's true. We're not rich to begin with and they were the closest to our family, so my parents decided to follow what Jin's parents were asking"

"But everything turned out well didn't it noona?" Jung asked again.

I nodded with a smile "everything turned out really well" I replied 

"I wanna get married too" Jung sighed "don't you wanna get married Seongie?"

"tch, I'm not planning on doing that" Seong replied "Work comes first"

"Awww c'mon, if a girl as pretty as noona will date me, I won't decline" Jung chuckled "Didn't you say noona was pretty,DaeSeong?" 

"I- I never said that! Quit on making stories Jung!" Seong turned red and screamed at Jung who was laughing. "shut up"

"Don't talk to me like that, I'm older than you DaeSeong. Even though we're just ten minutes apart, I'm still older than you"

"If you're older than me, then start acting like it then" Seong replied. Jung and I just laughed at how he reacted. 

Soon after, I heard Jin calling my name. As I looked at him, he was blinking fast and I can tell that he was nervous about something. I walked out of the water and ran to him.

"What happened Jin?" I asked him.

"I have a patient at the hospital right now. Remember that little girl that visited my clinic? Jeonghee?" He said "She got admitted to the hospital a few minutes ago. Stay here, I'll fetch you later okay?" 

"Will she-"

"She'll be okay, I promise" Jin smiled and kissed my forehead "Have fun here okay? I think Amy and the others just arrived. Don't worry about me and Jeonghee alright? I'll make sure she'll recover" 

I nodded "Take care Jinnie. Tell Jeonghee to get well soon alright?" 

Jin ruffled my hair before he walked away. I went back to the water and had a talk with the twins. 

"Jin hyung looked nervous, what was it about?" Seong asked 

"He had a patient to take care of" I replied "That's what he does"

"Being a doctor isn't easy" Jung sighed "I wonder how tiring it would be for me?" 

"Yah JungHee! is that youuuu???" I hear Amy shout from behind me "I know it's you!" 

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