Chapter 54

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It's a normal family dinner, with laughs and a lot of stories as we were eating. They had a few beer bottles and I just had one. 

As a result of them being drunk, they were chatting and laughing at every story they were telling. It was entertaining to look at them having fun to be honest. As they were busy laughing their asses off, I felt a warm hand on my thigh and I froze as I realized it was Jin's hand.

"What are you doing?" I whispered

"shhh" He said as he went close to my ear "stay still" His hand travel inside my dress and started caressing my inner thigh.

"Jin, stop. We're at the dinner table!" I whispered again. 

"I said stay still" he replied as he rubbed my covered crotch without any warning. 

I released a sigh as a wave of pleasure hit me, my breath started to get heavier everytime his fingers hit the spot. 

suddenly, Jin's mom gasped. Jin and I froze and looked at her. Oh god, maybe she saw Jin's hand and-

"I forgot Jin has an album of baby pictures! wait, I'll get it" She said as she stood up. Jin immediately placed his hand away from me and drank from his bottle of beer.

We were laughing along with them as they continued telling stories. Soon after, Jin's mom came back and sat back down. "Here it issss! look how cute he is here" 

"Mom, that's embarrassing" Jin said as his mom revealed a picture of him as a baby inside a tub, naked. 

"but you look so cute! isn't he, JungHee?" 

I nodded and laughed "he looks like his dad" 

"Ofcourse he does! where else would he get his handsomeness from?" Jin's dad reply and laughed loudly. 

I felt his hand traveling up my crotch again, and this time his fingers were inside my underwear, rubbing my sensitive bud. I feel my body getting weaker as he rubs it, ever so slowly in order for us not to get caught. 

"having fun?" Jin whispered in my ear, I hear him release a slight chuckle. 

"This is inappropriate Dr. Kim" I giggled "don't be shy, put a finger in" 

He raised his eyebrows and smirked "where did that confidence came from?"

"I don't know, the booze?" I laughed. 

"Well then..." He removed his hand and placed it back on his lap. "you just have to wait til later" 

I rolled my eyes "what a tease" 

"yeah?" He laughed and drank his remaining beer. "just be patient, I won't go soft on you later" 

Damn, this is getting intense. We've never talked like that before, so it's kinda exciting.

"Ah I'm getting sleepy" Dad said as he yawned and stretched his arms out. 

"me too" Jin's mom said "why don't you guys sleep over tonight? we have two spare rooms" 

"it's okay Mom" I replied "it might be a n-"

"Oh c'mon, just for tonight? so we can spend some more time tomorrow as a family" She said "don't worry I have clothes for you!" 

"I have shirts in my closet mom, I can let JungHee borrow those" 

"what? you're letting you wife wear those massive shirts?" His mom said 

"I don't mind" I replied "infact, his shirts are really comfortable" I smiled 

"Alright then!" his mom said and nodded.

"And we have clothes inside our car too, just incase" My mom said "is it alright if we sleep here tonight?"

"Ofcourse! I insist" Jin's mom replied giving us a wide grin. "it'll be fun, and tomorrow we can go to the beach and spend the day there!"

"That would be nice" Dad replied "it's been a while since we went out" 

"My sister owns a resort, we can definitely go there for free" Jin's dad said.

"it's gonna be fun tomorrow!" Mrs. Kim said as she clapped her hands in excitement. She looks so red right now I wonder how many did she drink? I haven't seen her like this before. 

"c'mon let's head upstairs and take a good night's sleep!" 


"so, this is your room huh?" I asked as he walked out of the bathroom. I looked at the frames hanging on his wall and noticed that they were certificates.

"yeah, it's really....manly" I giggled "and who is this?" I asked as I bent down a bit to look at the picture on top of his drawers. 

"My dog, Mochi" (a/n: that's my dog's name hihi. What's your pet's name?) "she passed away a few years ago"

"That's sad, I wish I had a dog too. I always wanted a dog" I said "If I had a dog, I'd call her-"

"Yah,Seokjin!" I squealed as he slapped my butt and laughed. 

"You're naming your dog, 'ah seokjin?'" 

"Don't do that" I chuckled as he wrapped his arms around my waist and snuggled his face on my neck. "It tickles" 

"mmyearh?" He mumbled against my skin. I squealed again as I felt goosebumps all over my body. 

"It tickleeesssss!"

"Yah, keep it down. Our parents might hear us" He whispered in my ear with a husky voice and a really deep tone that sent shivers down my spine. "and you don't want that" 

"you're really drunk, aren't you?" I chuckled as he kissed my neck with his soft lips. 

"you're really hot wearing my shirt, aren't you?" He said before he picked me up and threw me on the bed. 

we both chuckled as he went on top off me. 

"I'm not gonna go easy on you tonight, but stay quiet for me okay?" he smirked before he pressed his lips on mine. 

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