Chapter 17

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I've been out of the hospital after a day and Jin gave me an inhaler just incase my asthma acts up again. He also gave me the medicine I used to take when I was just diagnosed. I spit out the remaining mouthwash and turned the bathroom lights off. 

As I was about to turn my lamp off, I heard thumping noises from outside my room. Who's running outside?


I jumped and jerked my head towards the door to see Amy with her hands carrying paper bags. 

"Are you okay now?!"

"Yeah I'm-"

"What happened?" She asked 


"I was worried sick" She slapped my cheek and hugged me right after 

My mouth hung open as a stinging sensation was planted on my face. "Amy that fucking hurt" 

"Heyya Junghee" Tae went inside the room. "She's just really concerned about you Junghee. You should've seen the way she was babbling about how concerned she is"  

"Amy, be a lil bit gentle with Junghee. She's you know..." he whispered "Fragile"

"What are you guys doing here at this time of the night?" I asked them 

"I asked your mom if we could sleep over and she agreed. I know you should be resting JungHee but can we rest with you? I was just really worried-"

"We" Taehyung coughed and Amy looked at him. 

"We were just really worried about you" 

"thanks but, you guys didn't have to come here ya know. I'm alright now..."

"c'mon JungHee we just wanted an excuse for a sleep over" Amy smiled "But really, we were worried"

I sighed "ofcourse Amy, ofcourse. You said that a bunch of times now" 

"no but seriously, what did your doctor say?" 

"He said my asthma came back because of my weak immune system. He gave me an inhaler just incase. But yeah I'm fine now, just need to take some meds"

"by the way, have you eaten?" I asked while I looked inside the paper bags filled with snacks. 

"yeah" Amy replied

There was a brief silence and a growling noise was heard. It was Taehyung's tummy. 

"guess you guys haven't had dinner yet" I chuckled "c'mon let's order some pizza"


I opened Jin's clinic and saw his secretary, eyes glued to the monitor. 

"Hi, is Jin here?" I asked 

"oh, he's in the hospital right now. But I think he's on his way here now. Make yourself comfortable, Junghee. He should be here any minute now" She smiled

I nodded and sat on his work chair, and turned the AC up.

 I forgot, it's his hospital sched today. 

"Junghee" Jin smiled as he entered. "how are you feeling?" 

"I'm feeling alright" I smiled at him. 

"so did you take the meds I gave you?" 

"I'm pretty sure she doesn't. She's gotten thinner" Yura said

I looked at her with that 'uhm-excuse-you?' look. 

I looked back at Jin and cleared my throat. "Ofcourse I've been taking them. It's not pretty nice to die at this age"

"That's good. So have you used the inhaler?" He asked

"nope, just shortness of breath. I could only walk or run for a good two minutes and I'm done"

"we need to do some exercises for that JungHee" he said as he stood up and started to wear his stethoscope. He placed the thing's diaphragm on my back and my chest as I did some breathing exercises. 

"your heartbeat's kinda slow" he said and sat back down.

"The meds I gave you, some of them are causing you to look thin. I'll be removing them only if you exercise everyday. Your lungs and heart will cooperate with you, just do it slowly and never ever overdo yourself. No other drinks besides water and don't eat a lot of junk foods"

I nodded 

"don't worry though, I'll help you with those exercises. Count on me like one two three, I'll be there" 

"isn't that from a song?" I chuckled 

"Yura? Is my schedule clear for this day?" Jin asked her

Yura looked at her ipad and looked back at Jin. "Yes Dr.Kim" 

Jin looked back at me and grinned "let's eat, my treat" 

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