Chapter 4

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As I went inside my doctor's office, he was fixated on his screen while typing on his keyboard "I'm sorry. I'll be done with this in a sec. I gave my secretary a break for a few days. She's been working hard, so she deserves some time off."

"It's alright, no need to rush" I replied as I sat in front of his desk.

"How was school today?" He asked "Finally got that math formula you were ranting about last time?"

I laughed "Not yet. But school was alright today, just the usual. Amy was still bickering and still insisting that you like m-" my eyes widened a bit as I lost track of my words. I can't tell him or else we'll be awkward as hell.

"That I like M...?" He asked, confused as to what I was about to say.

"That you might like m...ayonnaise" I answered "yeah...Mayonnaise" I cleared my throat and looked at him. "Y'know, in your sandwich. Because we were talking about snacks that we like and-"

"hmmm...mayo is okay though" He chuckled "Japanese mayo is my favorite"

"So no shortness of breath? Chest pains?"

"Sometimes, but I can manage it. I still bring my inhaler with me just incase it gets a lil intense" I replied

"That's good, I'm glad to hear that" He said "You've been improving a lot lately"

The usual happened. Stethoscope, the diaphragm against my back bla bla bla breathe in breathe out. And we're finally done! We did a little chit chat while I just sat there playing with my phone, enjoying the cold temperature from the AC and that's just about it.

As it reached five thirty, we both used his car to reach our destination. My parents invited him over for dinner to discuss some things with me and their future son-in-law. That's still awkward to say, but it's going to happen soon. And it'll be coming sooner than expected.

I still wonder though, does the marriage even bother him? It looks like it doesn't but...maybe it does, he's just not showing it. I'm not that bothered about it since we know him well, but the thing that's in my mind is, will we be living under the same roof?

"Hey, JungHee"

I got back to my senses as he called me. My eyes snapped back to look at him before I blinked a few times, trying to re-focus my sight again.

"You okay?" He asked as he was giving me glances while driving. "You've been staring into space"

"I'm fine" I replied "Just having a discussion inside my head"

"A discussion? What's the tea in there?" He chuckled "World domination? Politics? Why cowboys are called cowboys when they are riding horses and not cows? I got an answer for you. It's because the name cowboy originates from a person who managed the cattle while riding his lil horsey"

My eyebrows met as I turn to look at him again "What are we talking about again, Jin? How did you end up lecturing me about cows and horses?" He has always been this goofy, and I like that about him. Even if I had a bad day at school, he would always cheer me up just by saying dumb stuff like this.

"I was just wondering...Will we be living under the same roof? The same house?" I asked, curious. I've been thinking about this since earlier and I can't seem to get it off my mind. I mean, I wouldn't mind if we do stay in the same house, BUT I would prefer it if we have different rooms just so we can have our privacy.

"I still have no idea, maybe that's what we're discussing with your parents later. But if we do, I'll make sure we have our own rooms. Don't worry" He said "It'll only feel like you got a housemate"


"Mom, dad, I'm home" I said, taking my shoes off and placing them on the shoe rack before I wore some house slippers and greeted my parents who were inside the kitchen.

"Jin, nice to see you again. How have you been?" My father greeted him with a hug.

"I'm fine Mr. Lee, how about you guys? How was work?"

"Hectic as usual" Mom sighed "We had a lot of applicants today too. it was stressful"

"And you still cooked dinner? That's really impressive Mrs. Lee. What can you not do?" Jin smiled as we lay out the plates on the table at the dining area.

"You know me, I love cooking and would always prefer to cook than to order food from outside. I don't want to feel unhealthy, y'know...Because of our old age, we can't really eat those"

Jin and I laughed at my mom's statement. It's true though, it's surprising how she still has time to cook for us even if she's really busy with work. I can't even eat when I got tons of homework.

"Dinner smells and looks good as always" Jin chuckled as dad our food inside the dining area.

"My specialty" Mom sang "C'mon, dig in. You guys must be starving"

Dad cleared his throat before he spoke"I think you two already know each other well, right?"

"We'll try our best" Jin said

"It's just sometimes, I couldn't sleep just thinking of what's happening right now. But..."

"Don't worry Mr.Lee we're fine with it. We both made our decisions now" Jin cut dad off

"Yeah, dad. We agreed to it already" I added "You guys don't need to worry. We'll be fine"

"I'm just concerned for the both of you especially JungHee since she's still in her senior year"

"Dad! I'm not a kid anymore. I'll be graduating soon y'know?" I said "I'm literally 18 and-"

Just then, the doorbell rang.

"I forgot...Amy and Tae's coming over tonight" I said and immediately went to the door

Shizzles-I totally forgot!

"Hey" Amy said as I opened the door wide enough for her to get inside.

"Hi Mr. and Mrs. Lee" Amy greeted

"Let's go upstairs!" I exclaimed as I pushed her

"Amy? have you eaten yet?" Mom asked "Have dinner with us!"

"Yes Mrs. Lee, I ate already, thank you!" Amy exclaimed as I was still dragging her upstairs.

As we reached my room, she raised a brow at me and crossed her arms.

"What?" I asked her

"Why is prince charming here?" she giggled

"My parents invited him over for dinner. Stay here. I have my laptop over there" I said "I'll be back in a few minutes, alright?"

"Okayyyy miss Jungheeee" She said as she turned my TV on and jumped towards my bed. "Have fun with Prince Charming"

I giggled and shook my head before heading downstairs again.

"That was close" I sighed  

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