Chapter 53

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"are you sure we don't have to hire a maid?" Jin said as he stood by the door frame, watching me clean the house.

"Yes Jin, I'm sure" I replied as I brushed off dust from the frames. 

"Are you sure you don't want me to help?" He asked again. 

"No, I'm fine. thank you Jinnie" I replied as I tried to reach that one vase at the cabinet beside our TV. "Uhm, can you get me a chair-"

"Here" His hand reached up and gave me the vase. He was behind me, my back against his chest. Well, that was quick.I looked up at him and he looked down at me,smiling. "Hello" I giggled before I tiptoed and kiss his lips. "thank you" 

"you really sure you don't want me to hire a maid? so you can just rest and spend time with me?" He said as he sat on the couch. 

"I'm sure. I don't have anything to do either, so might as well spend my time being a hands on wife here" I replied "But we always spend time together, Jinnie. Cleaning will only take two to three hours and this doesn't happen everyday, does it?" 

"I guess so. But are you sure you don't want me to help???" He asked again as he just looked at me while doing my thing. 

"Yes Jin, I'm sure" I replied as I wiped dust off the cabinet. 

"Since it's sunny today, do you wanna go out for lunch? or like-" Before Jin could finish his sentence, his phone rang. 

"Hi mom, how are you?" "later? ofcourse, we'd love to" Jin looked at me and smiled "Okay mom, love you too"

"mom invited us for dinner" Jin said as he placed his phone down "your parents are coming too. So it's a family dinner and a celebration for dad's recovery" 

"That's nice" I replied with a smile "I haven't seen them in a while"

A few hours later I was done cleaning the house and decided to rest for a while before I take a shower. As I went to the living room, Jin was sleeping soundly on the couch. 

He looks like a dad that just got home from work. I giggled as I stared at him, admiring how handsome he is even when he's asleep. His bangs were a mess, and his shirt was slightly pulled to the side, revealing his collarbone. 

I should tell him to sleep in our bed...or should I not? He looks so peaceful right now, I can even hear him snoring softly. 


"why are you smiling?" he suddenly spoke. 

"o-oh, you were awake?" I giggled before he sat properly.

"ow sh- my neck" he moaned "it hurts. How long have I been asleep?" 

"I don't know, I just got done cleaning the house" I replied "I was gonna wake you up and tell you to sleep upstairs, but it would be ridiculous to wake you up just to tell you to sleep again and you looked to peaceful sleeping there" 

"but my neck isn't peaceful at all" he sighed "I should've laid down"

"yeah, you should've" I replied "you looked like a dad when you were sleeping though" I laughed as I ran my fingers through his hair.

"hmmm? A dad?" he grinned "well, someday"

"alright, I'll be showering now. I got sweat all over me" I said before I went upstairs to take a nice warm shower. 


Before we went to the Kim household, Jin and I wanted to bring something. Like a cheesecake or other types of desserts. So Jin drove to a bakery near our house and we wanted to buy a cheesecake for our family dinner and the lady told us to wait for 10 minutes, and so we did. 

"wait here for a second, I forgot my wallet inside the car" Jin said. 

As Jin went outside, I noticed a flower shop across the street. Maybe I could buy some for mom and Mrs. Kim? 

So I went out of the bake shop and crossed the street towards the flower shop. These are so pretty! I wanted to get them all. I bought two small bouquets and paid for them. Jin always gives me money incase I wanted to buy something. 

I never really spend a lot of money since it's not really my thing. 

I thanked the guy and decided to get back to the bake shop again. But as I was crossing the road, my eyes widened as a car almost ran into me. 

I swear I looked left and right, maybe the car was really fast.

The car started honking and I can see the driver shouting at me, but I can't really hear what he was saying. I noticed who the guy was.And ofcourse, it just HAD to be my ex Chanwook. 

Not again.I guess he was so pissed that he didn't even notice who I was. 

Before he could go out of his car, Jin came and slammed his door shut. I didn't hear what Jin was saying but Chanwook looked so angry. He looked at me with so much anger in his eyes that it gave me chills. 

What's the matter with him? he's still a fucking jerk. I wonder if Jin recognized him? 

"C'mon" Jin said as he held my wrist and dragged me back to the bake shop. 

"are you okay? are you hurt?" He asked as he looked into my eyes.

"Y-yes I'm fine" I replied 

"I'm glad you're fine" He said as he placed a strand of hair behind my ear "be more careful from now on, okay?"

I nodded as he placed his palm on my cheek. "I know it's not your fault, but please be careful"


"Hi mom" Jin said as Mrs. Kim greeted us from the front door. 

"This is for you Mrs. Kim" I said as I handed her the bouquet.

"Ohmy, that's so sweet of you!" She paused "and didn't I tell you to call me mom?" 

"Oh" I said as I scratched my nape awkwardly "sorry mom" 

"Hi JungHee!" my mother greeted me as she hugged me.

"here, mom. I bought this for you and...Mom" I said as I gave her the bouquet. "aren't these your favorite flowers?" 

"daisies" She smiled as she looked at her flowers "Thank you so much, hun" 

"and you? how are you doing?" Mom looked at Jin and hugged him "has JungHee been acting like a child recently?"

Jin chuckled "oh no mom, she's been...really good" he looked at me and smirked a little. I blushed and mouthed "stop".  

"well, that's good to hear!" Mom grinned "c'mon dinner's almost ready!" 

As we went inside the kitchen, I greeted my dad then greeted my father-in-law afterwards.

"hello Mr. Kim, you're looking great!" I said as Jin and I gave him a hug "I hope you're doing great"

"Oh trust me, I'm as strong as a lion right now sweetheart" He replied with a laugh "how is the marriage going for the both of you?" 

"It's doing great Dad" Jin replied with a smile 

"No children yet?" He asked as Jin and I sat down. 


"honey! don't pressure them. JungHee's still so young! can't you wait til she graduates?" Jin's mom said from across the room.

"oops" Jin's dad said quietly "well, whenever you're ready" 

Jin laughed and pat his dad's shoulder "don't rush us dad" 

"fine...fine" Jin's dad raised his arms in defeat and we all ended up laughing. 

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