Part 1

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Hi! If you are here from my other book  The sleepover ♥Tododeku story♥

Thank you for taking the time to come check this book out. If you are new, hello new comer I 

hope you enjoy this book and have a good day! ^3^


Midoriya POV (When he turned 10)

Its my birthday! I can finally write to my soulmate, maybe they will want to be my friend. Why Would They Want To Be Your Friend? A Useless Deku Like You. A small voice in my head murmured. I shook it off and proceeded to grab a green pen I had been saving for this moment. 'Hi, so your my soulmate?' I wrote on my hand. As I waited for a response I worried, What if they hate me? What if I sounded too eager? Why do I have to be so weird. I looked at my hand hoping for a response then I finally found one on my palm.  'Hi, yes I am your soulmate, how are you?' phew... they don't hate me I thought as I wiped my non existent sweat off my forehead. Yet. The small voice whispered into my ear. I shook it off again and wrote 'I'm doing good, and you?' I hope he won't take too long to respond, I need to go to bed soon for school but if he writes back while I'm trying to go to sleep it might seem rude. I rolled up my sleeves to check my arms and saw the message 'I'm doing good, I have to go to bed though so I'll talk to you later?' they wrote. 'Sure I have to go to bed soon too anyways, good night!' I wrote in a space on my arm. 'good night ♥' they quickly wrote back. They put a heart! They must care about me. They pity you why would anyone love an ugly person like you. The voice said sounding slightly louder. Maybe the voice is right... that was most definitely a pity heart. I got ready for bed said good night to my mom and cried myself to sleep as usual.

Time skip to on the bus brought to you by my lazy butt 

Still Miodriya POV

I sat down in my usual seat in the middle of the bus still tired. I suddenly remembered I was 10 now, I had someone to talk to! Well to write to, I grabbed my green marker which was in my pocket and wrote 'good morning! Anything happening today during classes for you?' I myself fortunately had 0 tests today but even if the day at school is planned to be fun, it never is for me because of Kacchan. He's my old friend from when we were kids but as we got older we drifted and he ended up becoming my worst nightmare. I wish we were still friends but he hates my guts now, I have no idea how to change his mind. I looked to see if my soulmate had replied and found on my hand the words 'Good morning to you too and as far as I know I have nothing in school today. well no tests at least' I realize my bus was pulling up to my school and write quickly 'Welp I gtg talk to you later' I grabbed my backpack and got ready to get off of the bus. I walked into school and to my locker then I put my stuff away and grabbed what I needed for my first class. As I was walking down the hall I saw Kacchan walking angrily towards me per usual. I put my stuff down and prepared for my usual torment.

Todoroki POV

'Welp I gtg talk to you later' my soulmate had written back to me. 'okay bye' I wrote back then I started to continue looking out of my window until the bus got to my school. around 5 minutes pass of just looking out the window then my bus finally pulls up to my school and everyone piles out. I go over to my locker, grab my stuff, and head to my class. I just wanted to get stupid school over with. I get into my classroom and put my stuff down, I soon start getting warm in my hoodie so I took it off but quickly notice in red marker on my arm was the word 'USELESS' all in caps. I put my hoodie back on before anyone could notice. My soulmate wouldn't write that on he okay?

Le time skip

I got onto the bus and checked for more writing and sure enough there were a couple more words like 'dumb, nerd, die, Extra' and a couple others all in red marker. I was mortified, there's no way my soulmate would write all of that on himself... Would he? 'Did you write all of that yourself?' I scribbled onto my arm making sure to watch out for my stop. It took them a couple of seconds to respond with 'No I didn't but I'm fine don't worry!' I wanted to believe them but at the same time I didn't know if I could believe them. I sighed then wrote 'Alright, as long as your okay' I rolled my sleeve back down then gathered my stuff because my stop was coming up soon.


As the years went by the red lettered messages appearing during school didn't stop appearing on Todoroki but every time he asked about the words Midoriya would just tell him "He's fine" Todoroki decided to believe him. Eventually they turned 16 and both got into UA which is where everything changes for them, the voice in Midoriya's head gets stronger and its hard to not listen to it and Todoroki's dad is still as unbearable as ever. Hopefully they will meet soon, they need each other to get through their hardships.


Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand thats gonna do it for this chapter! Hope you're enjoying it so far, I am having writers block with my other book (The sleepover ♥Tododeku story♥) so I decided to start on this one because you guys thought it sounded like a good idea. 

Hope you have a good day! ♥♥♥

If only...   ♥ Tododeku story ♥Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant