"Remember what I said, Jade. Relax and don't worry too much. We have portable ultrasound machines so these appointments can be conducted at your place and since I'm ordering you to rest as much as possible from now on I'll come to you. How's next Thursday?" He held out his hand for me, helping me down from the table as he grabbed the folder he was carrying and walked me to the door.

"Thursday's fine," I mumble, still thinking over what I just learned. He was still talking. I could hear him saying something but at the same time couldn't hear a word he was saying. Not while my mind was playing the angry words of the pack over and over in my head adding new ones when they learn that the answer to their problems is within my womb. Why couldn't things be easy? Why couldn't that one touch to my belly just be enough? If it were I can see myself happily delivering the news that the first royal heir is on the way while and at the same time all they have to do is touch me to get their wolves back. Instead, my news is one-sided.

I walked home at a slow pace with my hands shoved deep into my pockets for warmth. It was silent. Surprisingly silent. Dominic told me to come home and eat something hours ago and I haven't heard from him since. It bothers me to think of how distant we are with one another and kills me just as much knowing that each day that passes, it's my doing. It's up to me to apologize; to make things right and as I run my thumb along the corners of the folded picture of the pup we created, I wonder if now is the right time for me to do so.

No mother wants their child to have to face hardships. I'm not a mother yet but I still feel that way. It may be my baby's destiny to do this, to fix problems in the wolf world that Dominic and I can't but if I can take the weight of some things off of his or her shoulders, why not? If I tell Dominic about our pup he'll become even more possessive and try to keep an eye on me at all times but if I don't tell him right away I'll only be strengthening the issue between us. I want to be happy again. I want to wake up to my mate smiling at me for no reason other than because he loves me. I want to walk into a room and have him rush over to me and wrap his arms around me like he used to instead of walking away like he does now. But...but I also want my people to have their wolves back and Cameron out of our lives for good.

Walking into the house I could hear a lot of chatter coming from the kitchen. Along with the sounds of laughter came the scent of parsley and cheese that made my stomach turn. Light coughs turned into gags that forced my stomach to pump. If there had been anything in it the contents would be all over the floor and probably all over me. In need of fresh air, I turned toward the stairs with hopes of getting to the closed-off room and window I could find but before I could even touch the bottom step Jaxon, Kayla, and Dominic walked out the kitchen.

"Jeez, Jade You look like shit!"

"Why thank you, Jackie! You know just what to say to take a girl's breath away!" I rolled my eyes heading for the stairs again only to have a hand laid over mine as I touched the railing. The warmth that only my mate gives me gave him away. I looked over at him reluctantly but at the same time, reeling in a touch that I've been craving for so long now.

"He's right Jade. You don't look so good." He raised his free hand pressing the back of it against my forehead. His face was full of concern as was his eyes which locked on mine showing me the still very strong presence of love within them. "Why don't you go take a hot shower and lay down. I'll bring up something for you to eat."

Eat. Hearing that word I inhaled and nearly gagged again. I took two deep breaths breathing carefully through my mouth to keep from smelling whatever my mother was cooking. "No thanks." Was all I could get out. My stomach started pumping again and if I didn't rush up the stairs, a very unpretty sight of me gagging on air would have been seen and prompted questions. I regret pulling my hand away from him the way that I did. My wolf whimpered inside of me telling me that he was more than likely hurt by that gesture but it wasn't intentional. I didn't make it to the bathroom before it started again. 

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