5:35 pm

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(If Kiara is still alive)
You, Kiara, and Sam started walking forward and jumped across a ledge only for it to be crushed behind you. "Welp no turning back now" you said as the three of you pushed forward.

Eventually you ran into mike who was under a door with a wendigo on top. Kiara growled and quickly brought out her flamethrower, drowsing the already on fire wendigo and killing it.

"Don't know how the fire didnt kill it... They don't like fire..." Kiara whispered to herself as you and Sam helped Mike up. "We came to warn you about the wendigos but too late for that i guess" sam said and mike agreed.

"Let's go go to that thing's damn bedroom!" Mike said and you couldnt help but stiffle a laugh as you began walk to the mines.

(If kiara is dead)
You and Sam walked forward, your mind still racing back to what the wendigo did to Kiara and how she saved your life. You weren't sure how you were gonna tell Josh about his girlfriend's death.

Sam noticed how quiet you were and looked at you "hey... Its not your fault, there was nothing you could do..." She said reassuringly and you slightly smiled as you two continued forward.

Soon you see mike underneath a door with a wendigo on top and you quickly grab a pole thats nearby and hit the wendigo with it, killing it in the process as it was already weak from the fire.

You and Sam helped mike get up "how are you?" Sam asked Mike as he sighed "alive for a start, now lets go find that things damn bedroom" he said and you couldnt help but laugh a bit and the three of you left to go find Josh.

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