Revelation (3 hours until dawn)

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You were in the lodge, when you heard Emily screaming and the door was quickly opened for her. All of you were worried about her as she explained what happened mentioning a few clues she found about Beth's head and how Hannah might have been down there.

Your eyes widened as you noticed she had a bite on her arm but you didn't say anything. Mike came rushing in and saw Em and hugged her. Soon there was a knock on the door and you answered it as Mike and Chris were struggling.

The stranger let himself in and you saw Kiara walk in behind him with tears in her eyes. "Kiara?..." You asked but she didn't respond. "Let me say what i came to say" the stranger said and you followed into the living room.

Everyone looked at Kiara, seeing how sad she was but the stranger blocked her "don't look at my daughter she's not gonna talk to you anymore after what happened last year, i don't know why you guys came back"

Everyone's eyes seemed to widen when he called Kiara his daughter. "How do you know what happened without being there?" Chris asked and Kiara sighed "my father was watching everything... He tried to help Hannah and Beth when they fell off a cliff because of something my father was hunting for a long time"

You couldn't believe what you were hearing "and what is that?" You asked clearly intrigued "a wendigo called the makkipitew... But let my father speak..." The stranger smiled at his daughter as he continued.

"There is a curse in these mountsins, it doesnt matter to me whether you believe it or not.. That if any man or woman resorts to cannibalism, the spirit of the wendigo shall be released." The stranger continued to explain about wendigos.

Your eyes widened at all of this information and you all headed into the basement to be safe... But you turned around to see Kiara hugging her dad and crying, you decided to listen in for a bit.

"Dad... He's gone... A wendigo took my boyfriend.. I tried to protect him but.. I couldn't..." Kiara said and you silently gasped as well as chris who was also listening. "It's alright Kiara... There may still be hope that he's alive, you know the wendigo doesn't always kill on sight... But when they do it's not pretty" he said comforting his daughter.

"Ik... I just can't help but worry..." Kiara said as she sniffed "why don't we go see what we can find that will help us to know if he's ok?" Her dad asked and she nodded before you and chris ran to them begging to come with.

They agreed and the four of you began to walk through the snow " many times do i have to shoit it until it's dead?" Chris asked wanting to know more about these wendigos.

"Well you'd be shooting a long time" the stranger replied and you looked at Kiara who slightly smirked and whispered to her dad about something you couldnt hear. The stranger chuckled and nodded towards his daughter.

"Wait it doesn't even kill it?" Chris asked "no not really but it does slow it down" kiara answered truthfully. You were quite intrigued with this conversation as you listened. "Well how do you kill it?"

"They don't like fire" kiara replied "i don't like fire" chris remarked "they fear it and it can kill them if you have to... See their skin is's like tough armor unless you burn it off first" the stranger explained.

Chris: That's gross... What are these things like? I mean, are they just crazy unpredictable or can you figure out what they're gonna do?
Kiara: Well... they adhere to some patterns... like any animal... or human.
Chris: Wh- You mean, like how? Like they've got schedules?
Kiara: Well, they only hunt at night
Chris: why?.
Stranger: i didn't ask
Chris: Any, uh, pro Wendigo tips? Like if I rub garlic all over me they won't be able to smell me or something?

You heard Kiara giggle a little as you listened to this conversation in case you encountered one of these 'wendigos' "oh they'll smell yea alright" kiara said.

Chris: anything like that?
Stranger: They can't see you if you're standing still. It's like toads... sight is based on changes of movement in their field of vision.
Chris: so if i don't move...i'm basically invisible?
Kiara: yea... But i wouldnt try it out unless you need to...

You took all this information in and arrived at the shed where Josh was gone. You saw Kiara sniff a bit  and the three of you looked around to see if he was still alive.

You noticed drag marks in the snow (just barely) and quickly notified the others "well he's alive for now..." The stranger said before hearing a wendigo "nobody move!" He said.

Kiara shook her head "dad no we have to go! They already know were here!" You looked at kiara shocked at her knowledgement of the wendigos.

The stranger nodded and the four of you began to run before one of the wendigos  jumped in front and both Kiara and the stranger used their flamethrower to drive it back.

Suddenly, the wendigo came out of nowhere and cut off the strangers head making Kiara scream almost wendigo like, scaring you. "Dad!!! No.... Plz... No..." She said and both you and Chris had to drag her away.

Once you got to the lodge, you pounded on the door and Ashley opened it for you guys, seeing Kiara crying she became concerned. You went into the basement dragging Kiara behind you.

Everyone was so relieved when you guys came down but began to be concerend for Kiara "where's the flamethrower guy?.." Ashley asked and You and Chris looked away.

They all looked sympathetic towards Kiara who just kept crying with her head in her hands. As the group talked, Ashley noticed that Emily was bitten and began to freak out.

"Didn't you guys listen to what my dad was saying?" Kiara interrupted them and they all looked at her confused. "You only turn if you resort to canibalism... This isn't a damn zombie apocalypse, bites aren't what turn you into a wendigo. She explained.

You looked as the others sighed in relief before you saw Emily slap Ashley and hearing a low growl from Kiara. "So Kiara what more can you tell us about these wendigos?" You asked as Mike left to go find Josh.

"Well... They can mimic the voice of others to lead someone to them and kill them." Your eyes widened not wanting to imagine what that would be like. "And they can move pretty fast, so you gotta be smart and act quicker than them" Kiara continued as everyone listned.

"And honestly wendigos are everywhere, including the sanitorium where my dad and i live" she said making your eyes widened. "We have to go warn mike!" Sam said and all of you went to go warn him.

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