Choice A: Follow Chris and Ash

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🦋 butterfly effect updated

You decided not to split up and followed Chris and Ash through the door. They sighed with relief as the door closed "man that thing was heavy" Chris said as you smirked and you continued.

Eventually you saw a dummy dressed up in sam's clothes and you were relieved that sam had escaped from the maniac. Ash and Chris were relieved too but they were a bit more worried on where she could be.

You rolled your eyes at them before you noticed that Chris was knocked out, you and Ash got scared and Ash stabbed him with some scissors she found. "Nonnononono! Live and learn!" The pyscho said and punched Ashley.

"Hey! You don't punch a girl!!! Just wait until i tell Kiara i saw a pyscho punch one of her friends!" You yelled and you noticed he froze when you mentioned Kiara. "Plz don't tell Kiara... I'm sorry.." He said which came as a great shock to you.

You sighed and nodded "but she will find out eventually..." You told him and he nodded to you greatfully and watched as he pulled Ash and Chris into another room. 'Great! More drama' you thought as you followed the maniac knowing he wasnt gonna hurt you now and saw a saw above Ash and Chris where he strapped them down.

You knew Ash and Chris would be knocked out for a while so you took this chance to ask the maniac any questions hoping he wouldn't do anything to you for asking. "Hey, if your a maniac why do you care so much about what Kiara thinks?"

You watched as the maniac tensed up a bit before sighing and taking off his mask and showing that it was Josh. "J-J-" you were about to say but he put the mask back on and covered your mouth, shushing you.

Josh looked at you and tied you to another chair before walking off leaving you confused. As you tried to escape you heard the pyscho's voice on a speaker again.

"Hello there my special little subjects" Chris and Ash began to freak out again and you were the only one who knew who the psycho truly was but you didnt say anything.

"Im so scared!" Ash said and chris tried to calm her down "Oh, you should be, Ash, because here's the twist: y/n has made one fatal choice already today" "oh no..." Ashley said freaking out even more.

"and now it's Chris's turn. Chris... you can take that gun in front of you and shoot Ashley, Y/n,  or you can shoot yourself. Whoever is left, can live! The choice is yours."
(if you chose to save Ashley)
Chris picked up the gun and hesitated before he pointed the gun at himself as you and Ashley began to panic. "No chris plz don't do this it should be me" she said and you looked at him with tears in your eyes.

Chris shot himself but nothing seemed to happen and he was still alive, which you were thankful for. At the corner of your eye you saw Kiara shaking her head at Josh.
(if you chose to save Josh)
Chris picked up the gun and hesitated before pointing it at you remembering you chose to save Josh(not that he hates Josh since they're best friends but for the sake of this story he likes Ash more)
"no no plz no" you begged and Chris shot you but nothing happened and Kara just looked a bit worried as she shook her head at Josh.

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