Choice A: Ashley

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🦋 butterfly effect updated

You looked at Josh and then Ashley "i'll save you Ash!" You said as you turned the lever to Ashley and heard Kiara scream. "NOOOOOO!" she yelled and watched as the blade went straight into her crushes stomach cutting him in half.

Kiara was crying harder than you ever heard anybody cried before before she got up, turned around and shoved you "YOU MURDERED THE ONE I LOVE AND FOR SOMEONE YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW THAT WELL!!! YOU KNEW JOSH BETTER THSN YOU DID ASHLEY AND YOU BETRAYED HIM!! YOU BETRAYED ME!!" she yelled before stomping off.

You didn't know what to do now, kiara was the only close friend you had on this trip and you hurt her badly. Chris came out after freeing Ashley and the three of you started to head out.

You couldn't help but feel guilty about the choice you made, Kiara now hated you and you knew she would never forgive you for it. Chris turned to you and hugged you, shocking you in the process.

"T-thx for saving Ashley... I wanted to save Josh too but there was no way that could happen..' He said and you smiled. "I may not know you guys very well but you're still my friends" you replied and chris smiled.

Ashley then came up and hugged you as well, at this point you were slightly getting used to the hugs and hugged back. "That took a lot of guts to save me... Ik it was hard trying to make a decision like that but i really wanted to thank you even tho you lost your only close friend..." She said trying to be reasurring.

You sighed and shrugged her off but accpted her thank you before you began heading back to the lodge to try and warn Sam about a pyscho on the loose.

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